Kiseru pipes for the fairer sex?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2014
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My other half asked me the other day if anyone made pipes for women. I told her that I was certain someone did, and asked what she had in mind. Said that if she was to get a pipe, she'd want something feminine looking and somewhat "petite" (had to look up that last one. Apparently it means small and or dainty).  I suggested a Kiseru (traditional Japanese) style, we looked at a few on line and she found a couple that caught her eye.  I understand that while they are designed to smoke the hairlike kizami, it is possible to smoke more western styles of tobacco in them as well. Does anyone here have any thoughts, suggestions or  experience with Kiseru pipes?  The ones we looked at were found on the Cup O' Joes web site.  What about other styles of pipes that would fit her "smaller size and more feminine looking" requirement?  Any thoughts or suggestions.  :scratch:
I have a suggestion: Assuming she wouldn't mind a dainty pipe that's had half a dozen bowls smoked in it, PM me your mailing address.
I don't own one and have never smoked one, but I think the Kiseru would be a bit different of a pipe smoking experience than your typical briar. I couldn't imagine getting much more than a few puffs out of a bowl that small, lol. Don't you use a specifically cut tobacco with them?

There are plenty of pipes out there that have a more "elegant" look that may be more pleasing to the eye for your lady. If possible, try and get to a pipe show with her. Looking at photos and actually holding one in your hands is a completely different experience. She may find out she's not looking for something as slender and sleek as she thought. Browse around through the photos of ladies smoking pipes (actual pipe smokers, not just models) and you might be surprised at the variety of shapes our Sisters of Briar fancy.
Perhaps there's still a chance to get her one of Scottie Piersel's BoB 2014 Pipe of the year?

They are small and thin. They make a great pipe for dark flakes, if your significant other decides that smoking a pipe isn't her thing.

Here's a photo of mine (it's the Dublin Shape)

I think Savinelli used to make a ladies' pipe, and maybe they still do. Perhaps a group 1 or 2 briar pipe would work nicely.

The Kiseru is kind of a "one-hitter" pipe. Extremely small bowl. From what I've seen, smoking it is more of a ritual experience than recreational. Also, it's designed to smoke a special, extremely fine-cut tobacco, not pipe blends as we know them. Think Angel Hair pasta vs. Lasagna. It might be difficult to find on this side of the ocean.
Not knowing any better, I always thought the kiseru and others like it were for opium. Have I been hanging around with the wrong crowd, or am I just inherently depraved?
Richard Burley":913qpnk9 said:
Not knowing any better, I always thought the kiseru and others like it were for opium. Have I been hanging around with the wrong crowd, or am I just inherently depraved?

" There is none righteous, no not one: there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God."

"Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me."

I'd say that inherently depraved is fitting.
To throw into the mix - not sure about the fairer sex part, but they are smaller.

Peterson "Calabash"


or "Belgique".

Richard Burley":80wqiwc2 said:
Not knowing any better, I always thought the kiseru and others like it were for opium. Have I been hanging around with the wrong crowd, or am I just inherently depraved?
I can see someone, maybe, enjoying a small bowl of opium in a Kiseru. For spiritual purposes, naturally.  :lol:
puros_bran":h012cnec said:
Richard Burley":h012cnec said:
Not knowing any better, I always thought the kiseru and others like it were for opium. Have I been hanging around with the wrong crowd, or am I just inherently depraved?

" There is none righteous, no not one: there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God."

"Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me."

I'd say that inherently depraved is fitting.
Flatterer! :heart:
We had a lady member in our smoking club who smoked meer pipes, looked very good.
I have been avoiding this thread because I don't want to say anything that may alienate a future customer :lol!:

The notion of a "lady's pipe" kinda bothers me. I think too much emphasis is put on the "what sex is it for" part of things. When I started making pipes I played around with the idea of "pipes for ladies made by a lady". It ended up not working because I ain't no lady!! :lol: In all reality it didn't work, because no one really likes or will buy an over the top all blinged out pink pipe and I am not going to make one....nope, don't ask Cart :lol!:

It's pretty irritating to be talking pipes with someone and have them ask what kind of pink stain I use......yes, this has actually happened! I like to smoke pipes that look just like the pipes you guys like. I want a pipe that smokes great and has great aesthetic flow. Sounds kinda like the pipes I make, huh? (shameless plug, I know 8) )

Get her something small with a bit of a feminine flow to the pipe. And by that I don't mean painted pink with a purple stem. Try finding a small group 1/2 bent billiard or prince. Both will be small enough in hand to not feel like she is holding a bowling ball and they will both clench with relative ease.

Just my two cents
scotties22":8hkxm2if said:
 It ended up not working because I ain't no lady!! :lol:
I beg to differ with you on that.  You are 100% lady, confident in your skin, and respected by all.  

I have made some pink handled knives with pink sheaths, both contracted for men...  I use rose colored leather dye, so you could have a pink pipe.  However, that's not why we're here.  As pictured, those little Pete Calabashes are cute, but they do have quirks.  It's a delicate instrument that might best be relegated to a more experienced smoker.  There's not a whole lot of capacity there, and can be prone to quickly bite with anything that is damp.  Cleaning it is a gentle affair too.  In fact, if memory serves me correctly, DrT had one of the most spectacular burnouts with one.  I'm sure it was the briar, not an overall representation of the Pete calabash.  I find mine to be useful, but limited.  Anyway, in time you might present her with something that small, but I'd suggest during the education phase something with a bit more capacity. There are plenty of graceful pipes, be it briar, meer, or clay (Lepeltier +).  I'd suggest starting her off with as little frustration as possible, then expand from there.
I have one of each, and at 6'2"+ and 265#, I am neither petite or feminine. :lol:

Just throwing them out there, but you make good points.
It's a handy little pipe, and I like it. I prefer rubbed out flakes or cubed with it. What do you use?

I'd like to see someone teasing while you were smoking it. (Tombstone emoticon)
The calabash I've had for a bit - aros, mostly - as a small moto travel pipe. For a long time, I only had that, a Pete's meer, and a giant bjarne freehand churchwarden.

The Belgique is a small flake pipe for evenings when I want something short and sweet that won't impose on my wife so much.

If I'd have been here in time, I'd have jumped on one of Scotties BoB 2014 pipes.

Long thin cuttys/dublins are aesthetically pleasing, so I'd have been all over it.

Funny what people are drawn too - I like the big hand filling apples and authors too, but no interest in billiard shapes until it gets into Canadian proportions.

Different strokes.
This is exactly why I always smoke my small pipes in my birthday suit.

Don't want to confuse the neighbors.

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