Last restoration of the Savatella's

Brothers of Briar

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Active member
Jul 22, 2019
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A before picture of the last of the group of abused Salvatella's I got.
This 401 was the best in the lot despite the heavily oxidized stem, dull finish, bowl lava rim and a thick cake.

A deep cleaning job, stem work and polishing, bowl reaming, rim resurfacing, completed sanding, tinted and sanding and polishing process bring this back

The only thing I still complain about is the ghost, the PO abused this little pipe over with some aromatic blend that after a salt/acohol method still present in the bowl and stem, there are any other procedure can I performe to get rid of that ghost? maybe repeat the salt/alcohol?  
Thanks and have a good day
Nice restore!

The ghost? I'd probably ozone that puppy, but you could always pound through it with something neutral and cover the ghost up.
Ozark Wizard":fjx1fwv1 said:
Nice restore!

The ghost? I'd probably ozone that puppy
Thanks Wizard for your comment, could you lettering me on how I can I oznone it?
Get one of these and put it in a box about 30cm cubed. Remove the stem from the pipe and put it in the box near the device? Close the box.

Check it after an hour of run time. Your ghost will be gone!
Growing up we had model trains and the electrical main switch put out huge amounts of ozone. Using your nose will often lead one to alternate ozone generators just seek out any appliance that smells like a lightning strike close by. Just a thought since I don't know how hard it is to obtain things where you're at.

huffelpuff":rgo05m1y said:
Using your nose will often lead one to alternate ozone generators just seek out any appliance that smells like a lightning strike close by.

Jim thanks for the tip, I have a water purifier that use Ozone I will check it out

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