Thought I'd chime in here.
All the guys who've been posting have been offering you very sound advice. I personally think that there are advantages to either pipe, although the advantages are very different.
If you want to have a "learner" pipe that you can practice with, will smoke well enough to keep you interested, and will be attractive enough for you to
want to smoke, go for the Nording.
If you want to have an extremely well hand crafted pipe which you would be more careful with, will reward you with fantastic smokes, will be extremely comfortable in the teeth and the hand, and that you will pick up and appreciate over and over again, get the Cavicchi.
The best advice I can offer is this: go with your gut and buy what you like.
In the end, if you buy something specifically for utility when you want something else, the utilitarian smoking machine won't be in your collection for long and you'll kick yourself for not picking up the pipe that sang to you. I went through about 50 factory pipes like Nording, Savinelli, Stanwell, and Bjarne before I really began to find what I like aesthetically and what smokes best for me. If you can bypas that, you'll save yourself a lot of money and time. At the same time, there is a lot to be said for that process. If you take your time with it, some of your best smokers might also come from this period of learning. I still have two beautiful Bjarne factory pipes that smoke like champs that I just can't let go of.
Actually, if you just want to start smoking, you don't need to buy a thing. Light up one of those Petes and you'll have your starter pipe. Then buy a Cavicchi and taste the difference. Trust me, it's substantial.
No offense to the Pete loving public.