What were you thoughts on the Captain Black?
Lane makes quite a few mild aromatics that are inexpensive, available in bulk, and probably the closest approximation you'll find to smoking a Black and Mild. In fact, some of the Lane blends are pretty much the various Captain Black blends minus the heavy does of Propylene Glycol (the preservative that keeps it from drying out, but also can goop up your pipe or make it hard to keep lit...it's the same stuff used in many cigar humidifiers). What it sounds like you're looking for is a toasted black and or toasted golden cavendish, likely with vanilla added as a flavor.
If you walk into any brick and mortar tobacconist, many of their aromatic "house" blends will actually be Lane bulks (sometimes alone, sometimes in combination) with a different name. They're also carried by just about every online retailer I've ever seen.
Honestly, if you're enjoying those light, drug store aromatics I would imagine that Lane is going to be your best bet in terms of cost and availability.