Looking for larger pipes under 100 bucks

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2010
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So my wife bought me a Stanwell Bishop Freehand for my birthday back in December and it is by far my favorite pipe I own. I mostly like it because it's a nice and beefy hunk of wood. I have a few smaller pipes that came with other pipes I wanted and I've smoked them a few times but they haven't left my pipe rack so far this year. The pipes I smoke all the time are the Bishop, an old Peterson DeLuxe, a GBD New Era and a Brebbia 6000. Pretty much I've found if it's any smaller then those 4 I don't use it so...

Are there makers that tend to make larger pipes that are decent for under 100 bucks? I'd like to get rid of the pipes I don't use and get some that I will actually use and have them be relatively wallet friendly.

Find yourself a Randy Wiley Galleon on Ebay. Really big pipes & well made.
I've seen some Nording go for under a hundred. Mostly freehands if thats your cup of tea.
Look at Savinelli Hurcules Ex pipes big pipes...and I think I only paid about $49.
The Savinelli Hercules series are relatively large. I have a Dublin and it is a handsome pipe. On Ebay, as was mentioned, M. Grandi, and then there is Moretti, also. Good luck.
Zeno Marx":sny612f9 said:
How expensive are some of the Ardor doorstops?
This one is huge (8.45 inches), odd, and pricey: $562.50 @ SmokingPipes.

Alpha from Israel are low priced and they make some huge pipes...........
I have 2 of the Sav Herc's; they are great smokers.

here's a pic showing relative size, A standard GBD Apple is in the middle
Boswells (USA) seem to get pretty uniformly favorable reviews.

Mildly surprised no one's mentioned them yet.

Yak":6fpyetde said:
Boswells (USA) seem to get pretty uniformly favorable reviews.

Mildly surprised no one's mentioned them yet.

My Boswell freehand is nice and chunky and priced right at $99. He even had some freehands at $89 on my last visit.

Pipes made by David Jones and sold new on Ebay tend to be hefty chunks of wood. That is based only on two pipes that I have owned, but his Ebay photos suggest that large pipes are his style. I bought the two below from Ebay for under $100 each. Most of the time he has 2-3 pipes for auction. You can find his pipes by searching Ebay for "David Jones pipe". His Ebay photos have a reddish hue in them that does not accurately represent their real color. Their color is more like in this photo.


Awesome, keep'em coming if you got them. The Boswell looks awesome. I love freehands. Those two Hercules look like the size i'm looking for.
I have two Boswells, one of which is a nice big bent billiard. Great smoke. Gotta recommend 'em.
I'm going to second Mario Grandi - eBay. Watch frequently for something you like since he puts up pipes almost every day. Also make sure you are buying it directly from him (Italy) since there is a troll in Sandy, Utah who is buying his pipes and relisting them for higher. I would stick to standard shapes to reduce your chance of getting one that is poorly drilled. Also, and this is my 2 cents, use the buy it now if you find one you really like. Last two pipes I picked up from him have been quite well made, albeit the finish in both cases was a bit rushed. I also find his stems quite comfortable in both material and shape.

Boswell pipes are good but good luck getting one. They update their web site every Thursday morning with about dozen pipes and within about 30 mins they are all sold, unless you want to pay $300 - $400 for one of their 'Jumbo'.

You could also throw out a post to the BOB members with what your looking for and someone might have something.
Mario Grande makes large inexpensive pipes., as does Boswell. I have one Boswell, and the briar was a bit green, and took quite some time to become a decent smoke.
Wiley makes some as low as $150, but most of the larger bowled affairs run $250-300.

Nording makes some big honking freehands in the $100 range. There are probably still some Bjarnes out there in the B&Ms for around $100.

Ebay for Karl Erik Ekstra, Viprati Extra for $100-150 if you're lucky and maybe a Winslow Crown for $100.
cakeanddottle":ho3qrmyd said:
if you're lucky and maybe a Winslow Crown for $100.
I held a $148 Winslow Crown last week and left unimpressed. Maybe they smoke great?
riff raff":owcba83m said:
cakeanddottle":owcba83m said:
if you're lucky and maybe a Winslow Crown for $100.
I held a $148 Winslow Crown last week and left unimpressed. Maybe they smoke great?
yeah, i don't think a crown is the answer either. they're probably priced $50 higher than they're worth. get a winslow made by poul or look at other makers.