Lord Briar Fawn Graces You All With His Introduction.

Brothers of Briar

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Hello Lesserlights,

My name is Lord Briarfawn and I reside in Happich Hall in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts. I've been slumming around here for a fortnight now and thought I'd grace you all with an introduction. My intrest in pipes is far different from the ones that I see you people smoking in the various threads. I have absolutely no regard for the "lower grades" like Nordh's, Dunhill's and Eltang's. They are just too far beneath me to bother with.

My own pipes are made by a single Danish craftsman named Ima Reale' Suchher (the h's are silent for those of you uneducated peasants who failed to attend a propper Ivy league university) Mr. Suchher uses the finest gold root briar for each of his pipes. Nothing less than 50 year aged blocks will do! His stems are made from the same acrylic used to make Cartier fountain pens, though I have my doubts as to anyone here owning one of these instrument either.

My Suchher spends a minimum of four years on each pipe. His designs are truly amazing though most of you "people" will never be able to see one much less afford one! How sad this must be for you all. His prices for entry level pieces start at four thousand dollars and go up from there. If you have to ask how far up they go, you can't possibly afford one and shouldn't even bother inquiring.....

My tobacco of choice are 1920's and 1930's Dunhill blends. Anything made after the war is pure refuse and shouldn't be smoked by any self respecting pipeman. If a smoker doesn't smoke tobacco that's aged for 70 years or more he is a commoner who isn't to be trusted!

Ta for now,
Thank you kind Sir for gracing your humble peasants with your presence.
Well met, good fellow.

I myself am partial to the work of Ima's brother, Aldae Suchher. Actually had the privilege of visiting his workshop--a large suite out in the sticks--and I felt like a kid in a candy store.

(Though the less said the better about their other brother, Richard.)
Welcome aboard, PM your address and I'll further your pipedom education with a pure strain of rare golden shag smoked only by ancient cultures in prepubescent ceremonies. Said vegetal delight is plucked at it's peak from the seed pod of a plant that was genetically altered to maximize it's growth and nutritional potential. Furthermore the seed pod itself is stripped from the top of the stalk (only the absolute best) and after processing to dispose of the unessential elements, is scientifically dehydrated ,aged, and offered to highly skilled craftsmen to sculpt into works of art designed to smoke the delightful "golden seed pod shag"". This ritual smoking was generally performed by preteens growing up in an agricultural tribe and has since all but disappeared from modern culture, however digging back into history, one finds rare scrolls describing the ceremony and purpose. An ancient delight, lost to the ages, offered to you, a new member of the Brothers of Briar in hopes you may expand your horizons. By your leave, a common man.
Well little lord Fauntleroy, I smoke my tobacco in aged corn cobs made from only the finest aged sweet corn grown in East Tennessee. My tobacco of choice is John Middleton's Walnut and it has been around a lot longer than any Dunhill blend! I say if'n ya ain't smok'n it you might as well give up tha pipe. No matter how much tha pipe costs ya and I don't give a damn!

And if'n ya don't smoke stoggies like what's in my picture then you just ain't a man anyway! You might ah herd of me!
Real Leroy Mercer":7qg6rdm1 said:
Well little lord Fauntleroy, I smoke my tobacco in aged corn cobs made from only the finest aged sweet corn grown in East Tennessee. My tobacco of choice is John Middleton's Walnut and it has been around a lot longer than any Dunhill blend! I say if'n ya ain't smok'n it you might as well give up tha pipe. No matter how much tha pipe costs ya and I don't give a damn!

And if'n ya don't smoke stoggies like what's in my picture then you just ain't a man anyway! You might ah herd of me!
That was a totally fitting and justifiable reason and place for Leroy to reappear, no foul! (handing Leroy back his whup-ass stick)
What a warm welcome! I half thought that you "people" would be marching on my castle with torches ablaze!

I'm interested in taking over this little board now and steering the topics towards the important things in life like horse racing, good brandy and Suchher pipes. To whom should I adress this proposed mutiny to and who dares to stop me?


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