Lost time: VA versus Bur

Brothers of Briar

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Jan 8, 2011
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For quite some time, Old Gowrie has been my go-to blend. Thus, for years, I figured, "I'm a VA man." And for years I've bounced from disappointing blend to disappointing blend. They all seemed to flake out on me (pun, of course, intended). So the half-emptied jars of tobaccos piled up on my shelves.

Two days ago I tried "HH Old Dark Fired" and suddenly realized I like Gowrie because it must contain hot-pressed burley, or some such thing. My experience with this blend was all the flavor I adore in Rattrays' without the VA or perique (or as much). Delicious stuff, and it's completely changed my outlook on tobacco.

So begins round two of tobacco exploration. Anyone else have similar experiences?
I know a lot of people, including myself to some extent, start with a burley based aromatic or OTC and discover that it's not quite the premier smoke they're looking for. Then move on to other things before rediscovering burleys in some other form. I did not have your specific experience with the Rattrays or even one other specific tobacco. But I can confidently confirm my love to various blends with burleys. There are many exciting things for you to look forward to. However, there are tobaccos with burley that are dissimilar to ODF. I'd read and use the ODF description as your guiding light at the beginning. Enjoy.
I love ODF. You have to remember that it's not just burley, but dark-fried KY that gives it that character. I love blends of VA and Ky, but have only discovered then in the last year or two. I sitll love straight VAs, but man, that DFK is great, too!
I consider myself a VA man too.
I get bored and bounce around VAs and their various Burley/Perique combinations constantly.
I make it a point not to follow the hoopla on the boards but a friend steered me strongly toward ODF and I finally gave in. ODF is definitely an eye opener. Now my interest is split once again revisiting the packed away Burley cellar.
I like all tobacco but tend toward the cigarish end of the spectrum, which to me means burley. Virginia seems more cigarettish and I just don't get that deep, dark resonance going on that I get with burley. Virginias seem more naturally aromatic by a long shot, but the base taste doesn't register the same. The sweetness of VAs is quite elusive to me and not really a factor in my choices. In general, the stuff needs perique! At least that's the way the difference registers in the hard drive of my skull. Of course, I could be whacked.

(Full disclosure: the above was written by someone who thinks FVF is crap, and almost unsmokeable. Moist, dry, folded, rubbed. Seriously.)
Another Mac Baren made but not marketed tobacco with that nice Kentucky is Doblone D'Oro. It's sold under the Savinelli brand. It's in medallions which is fun. I would say it's not as full as ODF but I was really impressed with it.
Or how about MacBaren's HH Bold Kentucky! Just released on smokingpipes! Maybe even today.
As I've confessed in earlier threads, I'm a Lathead who "discovered" Ginnyweed many years ago and "returned" to Burley (at the behest of Steve Monjour & ABF!!) about six years ago. I do enjoy Va/Burs also; again a late-in-life "discovery." :cheers: FTRPLT
It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I don't like VAs. ODF is okay, but I think it has too much VA leaf for my tastes. What Richard wrote about the cigar/ cigarette spectrum describes it well in my opinion. But I think the fact that others can enjoy what I find unsmokable is one of the best things about pipe tobacco.
juanmedusa":451bmmux said:
Another Mac Baren made but not marketed tobacco with that nice Kentucky is Doblone D'Oro. It's sold under the Savinelli brand. It's in medallions which is fun. I would say it's not as full as ODF but I was really impressed with it.
I second this statement.


juanmedusa":u4ngp2du said:
Another Mac Baren made but not marketed tobacco with that nice Kentucky is Doblone D'Oro. It's sold under the Savinelli brand. It's in medallions which is fun. I would say it's not as full as ODF but I was really impressed with it.
Smokingpipes recently had a blog post concerning Doblone D'Oro. I'll have to revisit that. I do enjoy those medallions.
I'm also looking forward to trying some GLP Sixpence I bought. I'm currently in a position where I feel a little shame-faced opening another tin with six or seven halfsies on the shelf.
whiderwarde":24svgwze said:
I'm currently in a position where I feel a little shame-faced opening another tin with six or seven halfsies on the shelf.
You and me both. I have several tins that I can't wait to open, but a mountain of tobacco to smoke before I get there. I figure I'll get around to trying Sixpence in a few years. Ha, ha...

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