Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2015
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Anyone else in love with this one? I am really digging it, this is my third or fourth bowl, each one better than the last. Also, it seems to be taking to my new Peterson Kildare B10 like they were meant to be!!!
I love it too. It's one of my top three tobaccos, alongside SPC Plum Pudding and Balkan Saseini. I think I've smoked about half a pound each over the last month.

If you like the HH Latakia flake give the other two tobaccos a try, I think they might be right up your alley.


Count me in as a fan of this blend. I was the first American to smoke it before release and knew it was going to be a winner.
@Timbo - I have half an ounce or so left of Plum Pudding, and also enjoy that one very much. I may be ordering a new pipe today, and if so I'll add a tin of the Balkan.

@Jiminks - it may be my favorite so far. It just really hits the spot for me.

@Fr_tom - if I order that pipe and tin of the Balkan today I wil add a tin of the Vintage Syrian to be order as well!
I tried a tin and decided it was not for me. I tried every trick I know and could not get a taste of latakia from the blend. It was good quality tobacco, but I just expect a blend with a name like this to have a bit more (some) latakia. So I'm curious to know where you all would place this on the lat spectrum. Is it subtle, or has my laste taste bud finally passed on?
I, too, recommend Vintage Syrian!

Michael, I don't know the percentage of latakia in the Flake, but I'm figuring about 30%, perhaps a little more. Your tongue is probably thrown off by the other ingredients.
I ordered a tin of the Vintage Syrian. The Balkan S. Was out and I couldn't find the H&H match that I hear is better. I wanted to try H&H Whiteknight but alas, seems it's sold out everywhere!
WandererOfWeirdPaths":13o9tuvx said:
I ordered a tin of the Vintage Syrian. The Balkan S. Was out and I couldn't find the H&H match that I hear is better. I wanted to try H&H Whiteknight but alas, seems it's sold out everywhere!
P&C make a BS Match in bulk. Why not give that a try?
You should be able to find a tin of Balkan Sasieni fairly easily. Germain's version of B. Sobranie is harder to find. It's blended to the likeness of Original Smoking Mixture not 759. I have smoked the Germain Balkan Sobranie, it's quite nice, but IMHO not at all worth what people are paying for it on the second hand market.
JimInks":fnwn54r2 said:
I, too, recommend Vintage Syrian!

Michael, I don't know the percentage of latakia in the Flake, but I'm figuring about 30%, perhaps a little more. Your tongue is probably thrown off by the other ingredients.
Does the steam pressing also do something? It seems like ODF doesn't taste quite as dark-fired to my palate, though I absolutely love the blend so far. I need to smoke more of it, though.
Thomas - I have a tin of the ODF but haven't cracked it yet. Just did some outside work in prep for a snowstorm while smoking a bowl of Latakia Flake in my cob.

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