Mac Baren Honey & Chocolate

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
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This is the best chocolate flavored tobacco that I've tried and I've tried a lot of them. The tobacco is on the dry side coming out of the tin. A dark blend that burns clean and has provides the distinct flavor of dark chocolate as well as the tobacco. It has a decent nic kick and provides for an overall great smoke. It's available in both tin and bulk. Just an incredible Mac Baren blend that has no bite whatsoever. I give it high marks.
I agree - it's the only chocolate I have found worth having - tin aroma is pure cocoa
I've questioned how others appraise Mac Baren tobacco since getting responses that range from several indications of muted disinterest, to a local tobacconist emphatically stating that he doesn't smoke what I've read is the world's most popular pipe tobacco, which I'm unable to confirm. I do smoke several blends of this Danish tobacco provider and am quite fond of them all.

Honey and Chocolate is one of the top blends albeit, I probably don't have the range of selection that many contributors here do. I've been enjoying it, increasingly, over the last six months I've come to know it. I'll have to concur with others posting in this feed, that it's an outstanding chocolate, though again I'm not in a position to rule out other similar blends that I haven't yet had the opportunity to taste.

Honey & Chocolate is, as mentioned before, a bit dry in the tin, but not at all in a bad way, for I still find the luxurious, loose leaf quite moist, while being nearly ready for any of my pipes. Along with a rich, full, balanced, yet amply strong quality, I've noticed just tonight, something that others of you may have, as well. From palette to release, the smoke itself is a wonder. As it forms it's thick, full and gently flowing plume - that has as much character as the feel and flavor of this blend - it winds itself through the still night that with what I can only describe as enchantment. The taste and aroma seem to fulfill the very airspace as much as this unwitting smoker . It's almost too much, and I'd wondered if I hadn't chosen too large of a bowl, in lieu of a smaller portion that would have allowed more of a savoring of it's rich and delicate charm.

I heartily recommend Mac Baren's Honey & Chocolate to anyone who's curiosity is aroused by it's name alone. I suspect most will not be at all disappointed, at the very least.
I get a weird bite from it, kind of like perique. I don't taste perique just get the bite that I get from perique blend some times. I really liked the flavor but it but pretty bad for me.
I only tried this once, from an opened tin in a box pass. It was pretty dry, and pretty awful. I got nothing but tongue zorch from it. I probably shouldn't have founded my opinion on the blend from that one instance, but I did. I may try it again someday. The idea of a chocolate pipe tobacco sounds good, but so far I haven't found a 10. A few 7's out there, like Bob's Chocolate flake. I kind of think a chocolate topping would go best on a good burley tobacco, but most seem to use mostly virginia as a foundation with a little burley added. There is Classic Burley Cake, but the tobacco used isn't too great, though the topping is.
If you can believe the tin description mac baren says black ambrosia is a 100% virginia blend aro. I've had that one new and it bit the dickens out of me. Had a aged sample and all the toping has wore off its really swell.
I agree this is the only choclate flavored tobaccoo I've found that I enjoyed. The Sam G chocolate flake just didn't make the grade for me.
Oh my, that title sounds like a good woman!
Someone here mentioned H&C's "rich and sweet charm". Man you can't describe it any better than that in my opinion! I first picked up a tin of this on the name alone aside from the fact that I do like both honey and chocolate. But in a tobacco? mmmmm....I was both curious and cautious. I'm not much on flavored stuff but I took a shot at this one. Boy I am glad I did.
I found this blend to be a kind of cordial/liqueur of tobaccos, to be sipped and savored only. Not a blend that I would smoke while running errands except for in heavy traffic. You see, I find this one to be a quiet contmplative smoke in any size bowl other than a cob. Nothing against cobs though I have plenty but this blend I feel is best suited for a respectful briar.
Everybody who smokes a pipe ought to try this at least for a coupla bowls.

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