Mars Cigars GH&Co Brown Pigtail Order - IT'S IN!

Brothers of Briar

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Kyle Weiss

Well-known member
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
I'm interested in getting some.  The stuff is good.  No, it's not Lakeland stinky.

It's also available, with a caveat:

We need to let Mike Rutt at Mars Cigars know we're good for at least two pounds.  I've emailed him directly for a pound.   Anyone else want in?   I want to do good by Mars, as Mars will be good to us.  No backing out for Mike's sake.

PM me or message here, either way.

you know what, I always kick myself for not jumping on these things. I'm in for a pound. Kyle, just let me know what I need to do via Mars for payment.

thx, Pete
i'm in. any chance of just getting 4 oz or so though? and i think i'd have to pay you direct and have you ship it to me, as they don't ship to CA. :(
somedumbjerk":23b2rmqf said:
they don't ship to CA. :(
I wasn't aware of the no CA shipping with Mar's which applies to me too then.

Kyle, I am in for 8 ounces if you don't mind dealing with the transfer of goods. If not, I understand.

I'd be in for 1/4 pound - evidently this stuff is potent so having never tried it I am skeert.
I'm in for a pound if the price is close to the other ropes. If not close I would like to know how far away :lol:
Okay, this was a knee-jerk reaction on my part, because I'm down to the last inch of my Brown Pigtail. I should have planned this better.

Here's what needs to happen:

Mike Rutt over at needs not two, but a FOUR pound commitment minimum from us, as a collective to ship/spread out as we see fit. There are places he will not ship, as it were. What this means is, I have inadvertently volunteered to get any Brothers their Brown Pigtail which otherwise could not. :lol: Another thought would be if Mike is willing to have you pay him directly, but ship it to me as an "alternate address" so I can then get it to you. That way I'm not dealing with sticky situations like other people's money, which scares the b'geezus out of me. However, if it comes down to it, I'll have any interested parties, provided we can get four pounds of commitment, to send any monies to my PeePail account and we can go from there. Shipping would be cheapest this way, as I believe he does a flat $6.95 for four (assumed) pounds of Brown Pigtail, but my own legwork shipping to states that he will not will obviously be about $5 (envelopes, postage) for each of you that can't get it directly.

Price for the Pigtail: I'm awaiting Mike's response. I can't imagine it'd be more than the $35.75/250g (roughly 8oz) and $64.25/500g (roughly 16oz) which is the price of similar stuff. It might be more, we shall see. IF we can generate enough interest in the stuff up to four pounds for him to order from GH&Co, I'm pretty sure Mike will ship out (location withstanding) as little as 2oz, then 8oz, then 16oz.

Our last-ditch option, as Mr. Rutt himself suggested, is to simply buy Happy Brown Bogie as an alternative, which he happens to have in stock.

So, what say ye? I brought this up, I have to follow through. :| It's worth it, though.

I'd be interested in 4 oz., and I can receive shipment from Mars in FL.

Do we watch this thread for availability?

Thanks for starting this thread and effort, Kyle. As a retired LTC I work with would say, "Yankee Delta Mike"!
The second time I checked, it turned out that the reason I couldn't find GH Brown Pigtail @ Tobacco Reviews is because it's SG Brown Pigtail.


I'll keep everyone informed of further developments right here, and we'll organize as information comes.

El Yako: It's a GH&Co product...for sure.

Everyone else: If I'm doing my math correctly, we're flirting with the four pound mark already. This is good. Keep in mind, Mike's other stuff goes in these increments: 2oz, 8oz and 16oz. To err on the side of caution, if anyone wanting 4oz is in, man-up and go 8oz. Just remember, tobacco doesn't go bad and can make for excellent bombing fodder in the future.

Please re-confirm if you're a "4oz guy" for 8oz, or out. I don't want this to be a pain for Mike going outside his typical routine (he runs all by himself, and he's cool). Also, if anyone suddenly disappears, I don't want to be short an order or two (which happens) which would put us back under the four pound mark...I don't want Mike to be out-of-pocket for our indecisiveness. This is a special order! :)
