'Cause I'm nosy, I'm wondering where some of us have gone since McClelland walked away. Did you look for something analogous and have stuck with it? Gone with something completely different? Tried your hand at blending to match your favorite(s)?
I talked about it here a bit before the end. Could have just been coincidence or prophetic. Or just my tastes wavering. Who knows? But in the final 12-18 months, I found that #2015 lost its earthy and grassy components, which were key reasons I so enjoyed it. I didn't have near the enthusiasm, so when they closed the doors, luckily for me, I wasn't in a frenzy to stockpile. Of course, since then, I've tried a blend or two that have caused regrets, but that isn't quite the same as wishing for a stockpile of a favorite. I bloviate.
As my enthusiasm for #2015 was dwindling, my passion for Night Train was ramping up, so it unwittingly worked out well in the end. Though I'm still not getting those earthy or grassy elements, I consider it a rather lateral move. Speaking here entirely about flavors, not necessarily tobacco components. I've hardly missed #2015. Night Train has filled that spot.
If a McClelland was your cornerstone, and assuming you don't still have jars packed away, what has become your new go-to?