I thank you for all your input, my brothers! And, I thank you for the link, Muddler!!
I have decided that as soon as I can I will order a sample of the 5110 and the Epiphany... in addition to some more Frog Morton.
Here's my take on Frog Morton: It has a sweet... but, not sickeningly sweet taste. It seems almost as if I can detect a hint of spearmint in it. It produces lots of thick, creamy smoke. It smokes with little to no maintenance. I think I could smoke it fast and hard enough to burn a hole through my Nording Freehand without ever experiencing any tongue bite. And, the creme de la creme is the fact that Linda loves the room note... says it's the best smelling tobacco she's ever smelled!!
For me, those are the things that have made Frog Morton the ultimate tobacco for me... so far! And, if the 5110 and Epiphany fill that bill... or even come close, I"m sure I will like them!!
Having been a heavy cigarette smoker most of my life, I would love to find a tobacco very similar to Frog Morton that would pack a hefty nicotine punch! For me, that would be the ultimate, ultimate tobacco!! The flavor and the thick, creamy smoke of Frog Morton seem to help distract me from its nicotine shortcomings. But, after smoking it for a while, I feel the "need" for a cigarette to replenish my on board nicotine supply!!!
If any of you have any input concerning my "ultimate, ultimate tobacco," or any guidance, please point the way! I will happily follow your lead!!!
Again, thank you for all of your input!