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Puff Daddy

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
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Well, this sucks. I just had a melanoma zapped off my face. Doc used liquid nitrogen, said we wait a few weeks and see what it does. He did say that most of these don't turn into something really bad, but the shape and growth rate of mine was worrisome. It went from a little blotch to a perfect triangle with straight edges and angles in a short period of time, and looked like classic sun caused pre-cancerous tissue (whatever the hell pre-cancerous is supposed to mean. Cancer is cancer). I know that statistically it's probably nothing, but I think I need a drink......
Stay on top of this PD. Can be very serious ****. Fast growing is worrisome and calls for action and awareness on your part.

PS:  Stay the hell out of the sun...will cause it to flare up quickly and can develop in other areas. Dr. gives you an ointment to put on selected is a pain in the ass, but well worth it to get rid of pre-cancerous don't want to play with this...we need you around to give us s--t.
I had a pre-cancerous scab-like thing, kinda reddish froze off. No big deal per the Doc. Are they sure it was melanoma?
Glad you got it taken care of right away. Chances are it's nothing, but helluva good reason to have a drink anyway! :drunken:

Keep us informed, bro!
Well, I can't stay out of the sun, I work in the sun. 

Carlos, "Possibly a form of pre-cancerous melanoma" were his exact words, but he's just a regular MD and not a specialist. I think he was just trying to use general terms he thought I'd understand, while suggesting both concern and a "Don't worry too much" attitude. That he did it in his office and didn't see a need for a specialist is a good sign, probably was just presenting a concerned demeanor to make me be cautious and keep a watchful eye on it. I left feeling kind of relieved, but also concerned. Anytime a doctor says "Hmmm. That doesn't  look too good, might be cancerous" it makes you go :shock:
I've this condition as well. Have had several scabs frozen off over the past couple years on my forehead. So far it hasn't progressed.

Seems this runs in the male side of my family. My late Pap had it go beyond the freezing phase and had to have several large chunks surgically removed. From his temple mostly. Looked like someone had taken out a gouge!

Two Uncles had it so bad it finally progressed into late stage cancer. Finally took them out. Brain cancer.

I'm mindful of exposure to the sun and pretty much always wear a hat these days. Whether needed or not. Still, it gives me great pause.

I'm pretty fair skinned, and hated hats in my earlier years. Just need to keep on top of it now. Doc says just keep on top of it. Which I am!



My Irish hide has its own very own specialist dermy who goes over it annually. I've had those things zapped from my temples, arms and legs. Far as I know, there's pre-cancerous and there's melanoma. You want to get them in the pre-stage, which it sounds like your doc did. So go for your annual checkups. Use the sunscreen product with the highest rating. And welcome to the world of wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeved shirts. The reason people get alarmed about this is that the skin is the body's largest organ, so cancerous tissue can travel fast if it gets going.  Flollow the protocol and you ought to be fine.
PD said:
"Well, I can't stay out of the sun, I work in the sun."

Hat and sleeves..hate to say it but it beats cancer!

Take it from one who has been there.
Puff Daddy":eomdwkq8 said:
Amen Jim! Ardbeg Ten with a couple drops of water ;)
Sounds good!
And take care!
Hey, psst, your epidermis is showing...8)
I thought Proposition 65 eliminated such worries?  :scratch:


Go have a drink, PeeDee.  You're too stubborn to leave us, anyway.   :heart:
Glad to see your GP had the presence of mind and knowledge to take some steps about this NOW. I have one spot that was like that on the back of my neck and the doc took care of it and I always get it checked out since then ( ten years now) and so far no problems. Stay on top of it and any other areas you notice and you should be OK.
If I recall correctly, precancerous means that if untreated you will have cancer.

Yeah, I asked the same question once before. I was given a drawn out answer and I summarized with the above statement. The doctor said, "most likely."

Take this with a grain of salt, I'm not a doctor.
I hate to hear this PD, but it is great that you got it checked out early. With the advances in medicine nowdays, a lot of people have beaten deadly issues because they caught them early.

Then again, any reason to drink does have it's advantages! Hang in there brother, and stay positive.
PD, watch that spot closely.  I have skin checks twice a year - fair skin plus immune suppressed plus love being in the sun = skin cancer.  The four that ended up being cancer came back quickly after being hit with the nitrogen spray. If it comes back, have it biopsied to be sure what it is.