More news from another surgeon

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2011
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To make it short, surgeon number five has refused to operate on my back due to the condition of my heart. His words were, "Surgery would probably kill you and I don't want to be the instrument of your death. Your legs will get worse and will hurt so bad that you will be unable to walk very much.". Just ducky. I'm already eating narcotics two at a time every eight hours on the doctors orders and still hurt so bad that sometimes i just want to dig a deep hole and climb in and pull the dirt in after me. To be told, again, that there's no hope really sucks. You younger guys...enjoy your youth while you can, do what you want to do while you sucks when youth and health are gone and all that's left is pain. Thank God that I've got my wife, cats, pipes and pipe weed.
I'm very sorry to hear that. Youth and vigor is a fleeting and precious thing. Hopefully your condition will improve. You never know when medical science will make another advancement. For what it's worth you have my sympathies and prayers.
No bueno.........

Best wishes, Perhaps other options will present themselves..
I'm sorry to hear that William and I know a little of what your going through because of my back problems and how it affects my legs constantly, sadly they're getting worse. Doctors told me they could do surgery but, only gave me a 50/50 chance of it not paralyzing me, so I neglect to go there.
Although I'm not much of an active person nowadays I still find pleasure in my hobby and thankfully I can do most of it sitting down. Maybe you have a way to look on the brighter side too, I wish you better days sir and your in my prayers.
Here's to you William and all the adventures you've had. Sobering words my friend. They really put life into perspective. Sometimes I think I have worries and concerns but in the big scheme of things they're pretty trivial.Good luck mate. I hope another solution presents itself soon.
Truly sorry to hear this my friend. I'm just a young pup yet but I know the sting you feel as I take major doses of morphine 6 times a day. Hopefully they will eventually find a way to give you the help you deserve. Until then sir enjoy what you're able and know we're all praying for better days for you.

Bro I feel your pain, literally.

Look into Spinal Chord Stimulator Implants... St Jude, Medtronic, there's another brand I can't remember at the moment.

It is a surgery but it sounds a lot worse than it is. My Laminectomy was 10 times worse.

I can't remember if Indiana is a medicinal cannabis state but if it is it is definitely worth trying. Even if it isn't and you aren't under a Pain Manangement contract, try it. (You'd think I'd know this living just across the Ohio from Indiana).
Thanks everyone for the good wishes, thoughts and prayers.
Indiana isn't a medical cannabis state but I've already tried it anyway on the advice of a medical man
who for obvious reasons must remain nameless. It didn't help. I'm under a pain management contract to
a good doctor and he has mentioned a stimulator as a possibility if my cardiologist thinks my heart can stand the op.
I'm up for just about anything. For reasons I won't go into death holds no fear for me. Some things are worse.
williamcharles":gah2wtus said:
Thanks everyone for the good wishes, thoughts and prayers.
Indiana isn't a medical cannabis state but I've already tried it anyway on the advice of a medical man
who for obvious reasons must remain nameless. It didn't help. I'm under a pain management contract to
a good doctor and he has mentioned a stimulator as a possibility if my cardiologist thinks my heart can stand the op.
I'm up for just about anything. For reasons I won't go into death holds no fear for me. Some things are worse.
Many things are worse my friend...........
Your situation touches my heart. :( I'll be pulling for only the best for you, even if that is only a bit of relief from pain. I truly hope better days are in front of you. Bless you, your wife, and family!!! FTRPLT
It grieves me to hear this William. To struggle every day with the level of pain you must be experiencing is beyond anything one should have to bear. I truly hope you can find relief at some level soon.


I am empathetic. I havebeen crippled with many forms of arthritis throughout my entire body and back plus a bad back and live in chronic pain with this for 27 years now. old too. Hang in there.
Thanks everyone. I go back to the pain doctor Tuesday. He will have the surgeons report by then and who knows?

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