Yep, you got that right. HUGE difference !
Also, it seemed the moral of the story was better back then. Movies helped us to gain morals and values, whereas today ???.
I tell ya though, my ex's boy that is 9 was a real treat.
I would DVR movies like ,,,Batman (1960's) The Marx Bros, Laurel and Hardy, the Three Stooges, of course Roy and Gene, and a few movies with Clark Gable. Erol Flynn, etc .and HE LOVED EM ALL !
He even went crazy over a "Hotwheels Batmobile 1965 version" that he got for Christmas. He actually thinks that Batmobile is by far the best of any he has seen.
My opinion, is that today, with a tv in every room, we dont tend to ask our kids to watch something, we say Ok you dont want to watch this , fine. So, basically, we are leaving that choice, of what they want to watch ,,, up to them. Whereas, when I grew up, we had one Tv, we would watch what was on. It may not have been my choice to watch, but I watched it.
But , you are right, Heroes have definitely changed.