There's a good deal of English blenders you'll have a greater access to than we over here across the pond, namely Samuel Gawith and Gawith Hoggarth & Co. and with those two brands they usually sell like hotcakes. So give them a whirl, but take note they are lakelands and can be very hit or miss to your palate. I also have chit-chatted with some other European pipers and they quite enjoy St. Bruno's Flake, DubintheDam in particular is a big fan of it. Then there is Cornell & Diehl, one of the largest (if not THE largest) US producer. They make an array of awesome tobacco to fit any taste and are even so kind and willing as to accept custom ordered blends. You really cannot go wrong with SG, G&H, or C&D all in all, but if I had to be nit-picky I'd say the C&D flakes are cut a bit chunky for my liking, flakes from the UK and Europe tend to be a bit thinner and more to my liking, but hey, it tastes the same either way. Let's not forget Peter Stokkebye produces wonderful bulk tobaccos that ca be had for cheaper than tinned tobaccos out there, so be sure to give them a peek as well. As for Mac Baren I'm always a bit hesitant to suggest hem to anyone simply because it seems a good handful of they're smokers get plagued with tongue bite, I have my theories on this but I'll reserve that for another thread or post herein. When it all boils down to it just keep your mind and eyes open, be willing to try other things and step outside of the box and before you know it you'll find some tobacco you'll be in love with!