Thanks guys. The slumlord we were dealing with is a real piece of work. He wouldn't even give us a lease, that way if we ever complained to the authorities about not having heat he could just claim we were squatters. I suspect the real reason for never fixing the heat is that he really just wanted to force us out so he could do major renovations to the place. I found out he intends to tear out everything including the walls to subdivide the place were in into 5 tiny apartments. I mean tiny too the 2 biggest would be 500 square feet each with single bedroom. The other three would be about 330 square feet studio apartments, that don't have any bedroom at all. Apparently he thinks he can rent them for 800 a month for the 2 bigger ones and 5 or 600 for the studios. The joys of living in a college town that has a chronic housing shortage. At least I was able to stay in his way for more than 3 years. I really hate that folks bend over backwards to screw over college kids. Ok sure some of them probably do deserve it but aren't they getting screwed enough on student loans?
Anyway I really appreciate the well wishes guys, you rock!