My Mixture

Brothers of Briar

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Dec 26, 2014
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I've had some Peter Stokebeye's Virginia Long Cut aging since late 2012 as well as some C&D's Turkish Izmir. I mixed some a few weeks ago together of 2 parts VA and 1 part of the Turk. I've enjoyed several large bowls of the stuff and am very happy with it. I really got into Orientals without Lat when I tried C&D's Sunday Picnic this past summer. So I've taken off in that direction lately and find the journey most enjoyable. Anyone doing anything like that? What do you think?
i enjoy orientals without latakia. you should try some of McC's grand oriental series. Excellent straight oriental leaf. I am a huge fan of the Drama Reserve leaf.. Very creamy with a hint of spiciness. That mixed with a lightly smokey VA would probably be amazing. I havent tried blending them yet.
Not being a huge fan of Latakia for a while now I've done as you have. Turkish and Virginia are a sublime marriage. I've blended Peretti's Oriental #40 with some Virginia tobaccos in the past and really enjoy doing that. Unfortunately i never remember the exact percentages of tobaccos and don't duplicate the recipes. LOL
I can make a good recommendation for a fine Turkish blend from Peretti that has a small amount of Latakia that I really love and that is Tashkent. And then I don't have to remember any recipes, they do it for me. :D
Ya got that right Doc ! Tashkent is definately one of the BEST Oriental.Va forward blend/mixtures I've EVER smoked And as far as the Latakia in it, I did not realize it had ANY till I was re-ordering some on the phone with the folks up in bean town!! :twisted: :twisted:
Oriental/Virginia blends don't get much love for some reason.

I've had a couple of the Grand Orientals and they're a treat.
I bought some McC. Grand Orientals a few months ago and opened the Yinedji(sp) one and it's ok but really hard to discern any flavor so far but will keep it up. I'd like to really get into this area more but find it more difficult to find ones without Lat. I've have some that didn't mention Lat but when I went to smoke them it had it. I guess some think Orientals/Lat are the same thing?

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