My novice cellar

Brothers of Briar

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Apr 28, 2012
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My small but awesome cellar. Some of your cellars make mine look pathetic, but I only started less then six months ago.
Looks amazing, actually. Some good stuff you've mixed up in there.
Great start! Remember, this in an investment that can only give you good returns!
Well you are doing far better after 6 months than I am after 4 years. I seem to have a lot of open tins but I have only just started jarring and cellaring.

Keep up the good work.

More than a few of my favorites represented in your collection.
Looks like your well set...
That's a nice cellar. Looks a bit like mine, you've got just about all my favorite's represented.
Well...from someone else who started taking cellaring seriously in the last half year or so, I'd say you're off to a good looking start!
Just in case anyone's better-halves are wondering, NO IT ISN'T HOARDING! :evil:

*singing* (...the more you know...) :lol:

Looks like that cellar may be missing a couple good virginias :)

Thats a pretty good start about as good as mine and I ve been working on it for like 8 years!! A good mix of tobac. :cheers:
Good variety you've collected. Think about buying bulk (pounds at the minimum) and jarring it up in Mason type jars. In the long run, it saves you a lot. And go with pint or half pint jars, so you can keep some sealed for years. Just my suggestion.


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