I've had a relatively large collection and then only a handful. The only difference [I found] is that one took up more space than the other. Bigger isn't always better. But I also find it very easy to get rid of pipes that fail on the utilitarian scale. If they aren't great smokers, then I feel little connexion to them on any level. Bye-Bye. I won't miss ya. Brand, rarity, aesthetics, and the other markers are distant to the the quality of smoke. I wish I was like that with other things.
My point is that everyone has a different perspective. DUH. It's so very easy to get sucked into the accumulation game, but hey, if they satisfy enough on any level, then why not? And the learning curve is so huge and vast to a new smoker, why not go a little haywire? Well, the only reason I'd answer my own question there is that often, too many options isn't the best way to gain knowledge of something. An inch deep and a mile wide isn't always productive.