naming pipes

Brothers of Briar

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Active member
Mar 23, 2008
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Is it common to use a female name when naming a pipe?? Like when naming boats and such? Or are pipes to be named with male gender?
I will use both a neutral, and a female type reference. "She's a good smoker." "It's a good smoker."

That sort of thing.
Which gender would you rather have in your mouth ? :affraid:

i've never named a pipe before...

i guess "stanwell" or "cavicchi" isn't good enough sometime. :lol!:
P&T mag did an article last year about named pipes, but this was by the makers not the owners.

I refer to them either as objects ie: 'it','that' or by the producers name ie: 'Peterson', 'pete'.

I see a lot of folks refer to them in the female gender language,including what few female pipers I know, but I know of no one that names their pipes,at least not publicaly
No need to worry till they name them privately :bounce: :cyclops: :affraid:
I i refer to all my pipes as "my old buddy" and a few as "my best friend" they are alwase there for u lol
It looks like I'm the oddball here as I do give nicknames to my favorite or special pipes. I never thought of them as being masculine or feminine, however. I tend to give them names representative of the qualities I like in them. Here are some I've given nicknames and the reasons.

Rocheleau volcano (A-47) named "Merlin" because it's never gurgled or needed a pipe cleaner during a smoke and has never had to be reamed. That's now over 300 smokes too. It's not finicky about tobaccos but it's been dedicated to McConnell's Scottish Cake for several years.

Brissett full bent egg first named "Brissett hand grenade" as that's what it felt like in my hand but later renamed (due to comments from the maker) to "Brissett Georgia traveler" as I always smoke it while traveling because it never needs a pipe cleaner during a smoke and because of its shape and size there are several places in my truck I can put it down securely.

Rad Davis squashed tomato is named the "BLT" for "best little tomato" because it always provides an excellent dry smoke especially with McB Navy Flake.

Balleby bent apple is named "The Floater" because of its extra light weight and seemingly floats whether in hand or mouth. It also provides an excellent smoke.

Heeschen Bent "P" is named the "Rascal" because it does things it shouldn't just by looking at it. It's a sitter/rocker though it has no flat bottom like a poker, it's well balanced and is easy to clench though it looks bowl heavy and provides a cool, dry smoke all the way to the bottom of the bowl.

Big Ben Barbados bulldog is named "FBP" for "frost bit preventer" which it did for my nose on its first trip to Montana in sub-zero degree weather with 35 to 40 mile an hour winds. It's also a good hand warmer. It provides an excellent dry smoke with McB Navy Flake.


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