NE Georgia represented again.

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
N.E. Georgia
Hello all,

This board looks great with many old faces posting a lot and many new faces posting a lot too! Hopefully the board will flourish with lots of helpful information for everyone.

As for my pipe smoking, I've had to cut back quite a bit. Seems I sensitized myself to perique and maybe nicotine as a result of too many box passes in too short of a time. As a result, I don't have the interest in tobaccos and pipes as I used to have.

Anyway, I look forward to reading the on-topic posts and may contribute when I'm able.

Hey, Ol' Dawg. Good to see you again... hope you've been doing well. I hope you'll post often, and I look forward to reading them all.
Welcome Jim! Too bad about the pipes though, hopefully soon you'll be back to normal.
Glad you found the place, Jim. I look forward to your posts.

Does that dog in your avatar hunt?

Hiya,Jim!Read any good books lately?Glad you're here,hope the nicoallergy passes!
Welcome Jim,

Down a couple bottles of castor oil and you will be back to your old self. :D

Welcome aboard, Jim. Enjoy and looking foward to reading your posts.

Thanks for the welcomes.

The dog in my avitar is Annie, an 8 month old Wirehaired Pointing Griffon that does love to bird hunt though her recent goal has been trying to outrun chipmunks to their holes in my back yard.

Pipemaker-Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm afraid there would be nothing left after taking that dose. :affraid:


Didn't mean to ignore your question about what I've been reading lately. DA here just missed it originally. Thanks for asking, but sadly nothing to report unless you're interested in Quail Unlimited magazines, Rocky Mtn. Elk Foundation's Bugle, and the owners manual for a Pleasureway Plateau motor home along with some travel magazines.


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