new from central Illinois, USA

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
B of B Supporter
Dec 5, 2009
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Greetings Folks,

I've been smoking pipes since the early '90's, but have not done much purchasing since reaching about 30-some pipes. My collection is a mix of British, Italian and American (all Tinsky), and just a few Nordings. Recently I've decided to expand, and now I'm doing research in preparation for targeting a few specific brands to collect. My current idea is to concentrate on Tinskey and maybe two other American up-and-comers, one Itallian (Radice), one British (Northern Briars), and then fill it in with older Willmer AA and AAA smooth straight grains when I find good ones. I love to examine the affordable high grades as I smoke them.

Those ideas are not settled yet, but I feel its good to have rational targets after one's collection reaches more than one really needs. Adhering to ones targets - that's a different story perhaps, for people who love pipes! I'm hoping to learn lots here. I'd love to hear any feedback.


Welcome Steve. You should read Dock Perry's post re narrowing and defining your collection. Sounds like you guys are on common ground. Enjoy the brotherhood.
Nice to have you onboard Steve. I'm more into shapes these days than a specific maker. For some unexplainable reason I'm really digging Canadians right now. NO NOT YOU TODD!!
Welcome from Florida, where are you at in Illinois, i'm originally from Elgin before coming down here?
Welcome to BOB Steve, I'm sure you will enjoy yourself here.This is a wonderful site to be a part of, with many knowledgeable people to boot.
Welcome aboard Steve! Looks like the Obama state is being represented pretty well! :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry Steve, no offense.........just couldn't help it.

Sounds like you have a nice focus on your pipe collecting.
Keep up the hobby, throughout thick and thin you'll always have your pipe.

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