Hmmmm.... bamboo fly rods, smoking a friendly pipe under starlight by a crackling fire, and the classic game of cribbage. How did we get to all of that on a Welcome Wagon thread? That's what I love about this forum: it's wide open, and the sky's the limit. As for my own two cents:
-- bamboo rods; never fished one, really want to, but can't afford one. Definitely going to happen, some day. And yes, Kilted, they are slower than graphite, as well as heavier, as well as steeped in history and tradition. And, they are hand crafted from organic materials, so your assessment of "more pure" would seem apropos. I met an aficionado not long ago -- he owns over 30 vintage split cane rods! He let me cast several of them, including an absolutely incredible 70 year old Granger. I was easily roll casting this rod 40 feet, and that was on the lawn, with no surface water tension. (ie loading the rod on the forward stroke, which is much more significant when roll casting on water) I imagine a skilled caster could roll cast this rod 60 feet or more on the water -- I am not kidding!
-- smoking around a campfire: priceless.
-- cribbage: the best two person card game, period end of sentence. I have played this game for most of my life; it was very big in my family, taught to myself and my three brothers by my grandfather when I just a whippersnapper, though my grandfather called us "hooligans."

And, as a commercial salmon fisherman in Alaska, I can tell you that you'd better bring your "A" game, cause those guys eat, breath and sleep the game. Oh, and extra points are often giving for creative **** talking, which always adds depth and breadth. For instance:
"Hey, - sniff, sniff, sniff - what's that horrible smell?"'
- sniff, sniff - "What, I don't smell anything."
"Wait... no, - sniff - I definitely can smell this really - sniff, sniff - foul stench. You can't smell that?"
"What are you talking about - sniff, sniff - I don't smell anything."
"I am not kidding, something REALLY stinks. - sniff, sniff - Oh, wait a second, now I know what that horrible smell is... Why it's a SKUNK!"
I can tell you, if your oppenent hasn't heard this one, and you pull it off, with lots of sniffing, (and you are obviously going to skunk him, or, even more fun, threatening a skunk) this is absolutely hilarious. It's even better if you can get him or her to sniff too, trying to catch a whiff of the dastardly fun you are about to have at their expense!