Woody, I had some pretty serious issues with my first tin of Mixture. It bit me and I hated it.
At some point, I guess I realized (or maybe got told) that this wasn't Captain Black, and that I could smoke it as hard as I liked, and it would never be a) heavy b) strong c) anything like what I was used to. Once I got that into my head, and went back to the tobacco and tried to appreciate it for what it
did offer, instead of trying to force it to give me something else, it was a revelation. This sweet, light, honey and toast flavor, mixed with tobacco flavors of all kinds... my God... a delight. But as soon as you get greedy and start to suck on it hard, it just hammers you.
I am a Mac Baren fan. I think they offer some very nice tobaccos, at incredibly reasonable prices. Do I like all their stuff? No. I don't much like Vanilla Cream either, nor Plumcake.
Their Navy Flake is VERY easy to smoke... maybe the friendliest flake going. Burley and honey. Bit strong on nicotene for me.
Mixture is good. If you can master Mixture, then the world of Mac Baren opens up, because most of their stuff tastes a little like Mixture anyhow.
Dark Twist is a SUBLIME smoke. Molasses sweetness on a serious citrus virginia. Unbelievable taste. But it will bite, as all virginias can.
I'd say grab a can of Mixture (or is it still called Scottish Mixture?), dry it out just a bit, loosely fill a clean, unghosted pipe, and sip at it, and see if it talks to you.