new/old pipe guy

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2021
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Hello from NY. I was a pipe smoker- 10 or so years ago. I started smoking cigars and put my pipes away. thanks to COVID I lost my job,so I recently dug out my pipes,so now I am back in the game... I recently bought some lane 1Q and BCA. Both of these are ok,but seem a lil heavy to me, I was thinking of blending them with the carter hall match I just received. has anyone tried this?
thank you
Welcome to the group, glad you pulled out the pipes. I also switched from cigars to pipes a while ago and have never looked back.
Welcome to the forum @EZONSLOW! Sorry to hear about your job loss, I hope that turns around. I have a similar pipe journey, returning to pipe smoking two plus years ago after a 35 year hiatus with cigars. I’ve only mixed BCA with H&H Anniversary Kake, 50/50 mix that I pressed. Pretty good stuff. Enjoy your time here and the pipe journey!
Welcome to BoB! Best of luck with your return to the pipe, and with the job.
I recently bought some lane 1Q and BCA. Both of these are ok,but seem a lil heavy to me, I was thinking of blending them with the carter hall match I just received. has anyone tried this?
Before you mix anything, smoke some of the Carter Hall match. Moving directly from cigars directly to aromatics is a serious jump in profiles. You may want to experiment by putting together a blend of cigar leaf, mature red virginia, and unflavored black cavendish. The red lettering indicates links.
Red Virginia may give some a bit of tongue bite, so you may want to go 50/50 with stoved Virginia.
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Welcome to our fine little group!!!! I love Carter Hall/Match/Chatham Manor. I'm not an "aro" person, so have no experience mixing the two. I would suggest combining a small quantity of each, let it sit for a day or two; then give them a try!!! Let us know how it worked out!! FTRPLT
Howdy from a previous Long Island boy. I've done a fair bit of tobacco mixing but can't help since I don't know what "a lil heavy" means to you. Where do you get tobacco and can you order from out of state?
hopefully I wont be on Long Island much longer, I have been buying lane tobacco from west Virginia smoke shop, I have no place locally to buy anything pipe related ,so i buy from this place on the internet,there prices seemed decent and shipping's pretty reasonable as well. there`s also a phone # on there web site if needed.
I don't know what "a lil heavy" means to you.
That was the first thing in EZONSLOW's post that really caught my attention. Heavy in nicotine, top dressing, tongue bite; heavy in what?
The tobacco to me seems heavy-very syrupy topping? it also gives some bite consistently.
The tobacco to me seems heavy-very syrupy topping? it also gives some bite consistently.
That's the nature of most aromatics. It may heavy a heavy topping which is intended as much for room aroma as taste and it bites.
The tobacco to me seems heavy-very syrupy topping? it also gives some bite consistently.
I don't know what tobaccos you experienced a decade ago, but a much longer time ago I learned to avoid "bite" by going to tobaccos without propylene glycol. For me this excluded aromatics, but there are plenty of enjoyable tobaccos on my menu. Be warned, I'm also a nicotine fiend. Five Brothers or Cotton Boll twist are my examples of plain simple potent burley. Sam Gawith Full Virginia Flake, Best Brown Flake and Golden Glow (previously Medium Virginia flake) and Cornell & Diehl blending Virginias (Bright or Red) are examples of Virgina tobaccos I enjoy. From there I was able to explore many mixtures. can be helpful if you can find a reviewer whose tastes coincide with yours. I have used (has a sampling progam) & & & and others to peruse wide selections. Best of luck and enjoy the journey.
Welcome back. I started back about 4 years ago, and have learned a lot from folks on this forum. If you want to stay with aros, without the goop, try some Country Squire. Discovered them lately, and their aromatics are waaay better than any Lane stuff, i.e. Cowboy Coffee, Rivendell. Also, I like a lot of the sutliff aros, like vanilla custard, creme brulee, etc. Not as heavy as the Lane products. Enjoy the journey.

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