New pipe smoker choices

Brothers of Briar

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Jun 21, 2008
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I was wondering if you guys could help me find a blend to start with. I have heard alot about Dunhill and a few others but i would hate to shell the dough for something that doesn't measure up. If you could give me different suggestions to blends to try as a new pipe smoker i would be very grateful. Thank you in advance.

Do you have any idea of what you like? Have you smoked English or Virginia or aromatic tobaccos and enjoyed them, or not enjoyed them?

What kind of money do you want to spend to find out?

You could go a local tobacconist and ask him to put together a small sampler for you - a selection of 1 ounce portions of various blends, or you could just buy a couple of tried and true tobaccos in tins and give her a go.

I'd suggest buying a tin of Squadron Leader as a medium English, a tin of Samuel Gawith's st James flake which is a fantastic Vaper, and a tin of Barbary Coast from GL Pease, an excellent cube cut burley with a light brandy topping.
Don't really have a good place around me to get pipe tobacco. I have a 16oz bag of Smoker's Choice Whiskey that i got at a gas station that carried very little pipe related tobacco. I am looking for suggestions on all types of blends. so like English, vapers and aromatics etc. that way i can try them and see what i like. Price isn't too horribly an issue. I don't usually skimp out on things. Thanks also for your suggestions i will look into acquiring those.

Really good advice from Puff Daddy.

I would just add that you stay away from the generic aromatic blends that you find at local tobacco shops such as Tinderbox. A lot of them smell wonderful but trust me they don't taste anything like the aroma. There are a few high quality aromatics such as the one PD mentioned that are sort of "crossovers" that use high quality tobacco in the blending. Most of the generic aromatic blends are a low grade cavendish with a flavoring or topping that have little to no quality tobacco taste.
Thanks for the advice justpipes. Yea I wanted to stay away but had no choice lol. But now that i am a little more aware of things i think i will be going to online sources.

You cold try these

You need to try burleys also

Prince Albert
Carter Hall

Aromatic -Lanes 1Q a lite vanilla flavor good room note

Virginia-Samual Gawiths Full Viginia Flake

English -Squadron leader

Vaper-Peter Stokkbye Luxury navy Flake

The aro is the best selling in the usa

SG's FVF has no bite and great taste

Squadron leader is a great starter english

PS luxury navy flake is just plain good
Dave is on the money with great recommendations. I'd start with Prince Albert since it is so easy to find, cheap, lights well and stays lit, and tastes great!

You could do a lot worse than getting onto , checking out their tobacco selection - which will boggle your mind - & then ordering a sampler. I recommend you try a sampler from the Heart & Home Series - choose whatever you fancy. Generally, beginner smokers prefer the aromatics more than the more pungent latakias. But you almost certainly will leave the aromatics in time & move towards the latakias - it seems to be the natural progression of things. Good value is to be found in Peter Stokkeby's bulk tobaccos - I recommend a couple of ounces of Bullseye Flake &/or Luxury Navy Flake. I concur with the recommendations cited here too, of course. Wise bunch. Tastes are individual though - you'll need to establish your personal fav's - & even then, they're likely to change & develop. Enjoy it.
You really should try any good medium English. Almost all will burn cool and give you plenty of flavor. You will not have to be struggling so much trying to avoid getting tongue bite.

Squaron Leader, GL Pease Ashbury, Frog Morton's, well, every blender has at least one and some have dozens to choose from. C&D has a bunch, many in bulk pricing that are excellent.

Some where around here is a post by Greg Pease and his recommendations. Here it is.

What Blends Should I Start With
IMHO, click on Carlos's 'What blends should I start with' in the above reply. scroll down to smokey 422, and follow his suggestions. You will get a great sampler including some of the 'Dark lords', not just c&d products. :D


Never Forget!
I don't think it's been mentioned yet, however, I
apologize for a repeat, if it has. You should check this site and read some of the reviews on whichever names
and brands catch your interest. It will give you some insite into the
various tobaccos out there!
I strongly recommended going to Cornell & Diehl's website, getting their phone number and then giving them a call. You can put together an 8-blend sampler for a reasonable price that will allow you to sample the many different types of blends. They produce a lot of bulk and tinned blends, as well as GL Pease's tobaccos. I'd recommend:

Old Joe Krantz (burley/perique/Va)
Morley's Best (American-English, burley with latakia and Va)
Star of the East (Balkan)
Night Train (Va, perique, and cavendish)
Sunday Picnic (Va flake)
Epiphany (traditional American)
GL Pease's Filmore (Va/Per flake)
GL Pease's Westminster (classic English)
JohnnyFlake":zmtb9slw said:
I don't think it's been mentioned yet, however, I
apologize for a repeat, if it has. You should check this site and read some of the reviews on whichever names
and brands catch your interest. It will give you some insite into the
various tobaccos out there!
That site helped me a lot. (although not all reviews are recent)
I went back and forth between the Review site
and usually smokingpipes or pipesandcigars deciding what
to order. I could spend an hour putting my orders together.
I always buy enough to get free shipping. Compared to cigars,
pipe tobacco is cheap and you can try a bunch of blends without
risking more than eight bucks or so. So far, I've bought 110
different blends.
Something that was suggested as a good idea to me was keeping a pretty good log of thost sampled, I thought I wouldn't need one. As those 8 - 12 samplings turns to 30 than 50 and so on, I realized I had made a mistake. I can't recall where that idea came from, but regret not doing it from day 1. :(


Never Forget
Problem is that, when you add the time factor involved, the variables start approaching infinity.

"Time factor" as in you start learning how to smoke a pipe properly (not an elitist put-down -- it took me more years than I care to admit) and a particular tobacco in a particular pipe. Some combinations go well together ; others just don't, through no fault of either.

At least 40 % of the negative reviews and complaints posted @ tobacco reviews are, IMHO, direct outcomes of poor packing and inappropriate smoking tempo -- problems unintentionally created by the reviewer, but attributed to the tobacco.

Complex tobacco blends can be chameleons, their flavor and characteristics changing according to the way they're smoked. So an impression logged early on can differ noticeably from that of a re-visit several years later. And tin age has so much to do with the flavor of any good tobacco it's almost beyond belief. Add in that a verdict of "good" early on has to be re-evaluated in light of subsequent benchmark experiences. "Good" compared to what ?

(How high is "up" ?)

We're all chasing our tails, really. The play factor involved is enormous. That's why we're here. :D

Yak":40pi97sd said:
At least 40 % of the negative reviews and complaints posted @ tobacco reviews are, IMHO, direct outcomes of poor packing and inappropriate smoking tempo -- problems unintentionally created by the reviewer, but attributed to the tobacco.

Complex tobacco blends can be chameleons, their flavor and characteristics changing according to the way they're smoked. So an impression logged early on can differ noticeably from that of a re-visit several years later. And tin age has so much to do with the flavor of any good tobacco it's almost beyond belief. Add in that a verdict of "good" early on has to be re-evaluated in light of subsequent benchmark experiences. "Good" compared to what ?

(How high is "up" ?)

We're all chasing our tails, really. The play factor involved is enormous. That's why we're here. :D

That nail was hit right square on the head.

You will notice a number of those reviews have been edited. Some were found to be better over time and others lost a star or two. After making a number of blunders in my tobacco buying history, I have made it a point to never form an opinion on any tobacco until I have finished the tin (often two tins) and smoked it in a variety of pipes. I have even found that the time of day I smoke makes a difference in the way a tobacco tastes to me.

Also be prepared for the fact that your taste in tobacco may change over time.
Lessons learned, I don't care if it is Heff's favorite tobacco......Mixture 79 truely is crap. ;)
As far as aromatics are concerned I like MacBarens Vanilla Cream and Reiners Vanilla and Rum. I would then reccomend GL Pease's Embarcadero, Barbary Coast, Haddos Delight, and Maltese Falcon. Now the Maltese Falcon has Latakia in it, so you might not like it at first. But don't throw it away. Put it on the shelf and smoke the others first, then come back to the Maltese Falcon.
hi all i been wanting to try some of C&D Pirate Kake has any one tryed it thanks for the help

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