I have a bit of a different take on the movie. Having read all the books, I watched the movie with more of a critical eye. I was disappointed that none of the charactors were as Conan wrote them to be. In it's own right as an action thriller, it was a good movie. I liked the old London scenes and their depiction of being so dirty. But I had hoped that the base of the charators would be somewhat like the books. But, other than the name, it was nothing like them at all. The books have Sherlock as knowing the martial arts, but very little was ever used. The movie had him as a street fighter. Watson in the books revered Holmes, in the movie he was sarcastic and seemed to take joy in catching Holmes in positions so he could pop one liners. The pipe was briar and not clay. Holmes always had his pipe in the books, in the movie only now and then and Watson never smoked where in the books he did, often. I did enjoy seeing pipe smokers though in a movie. On a scale of five I would give the movie a 2 at best.