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Brothers of Briar

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Jun 12, 2008
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Good day Gents,

My name is Mark and I have just recently made my first pipe package purchase (say that five times fast). I heard some feedback from several members of that it would be in my best interest to seek out this board for more information on my new found pleasure. I'm glad to be here and excited to endure all the knowledge you all may have.

I also can't help but persuade... For those of you who hate to shave in the morning due to the irritation you recieve, as well as how much you pay today for standard Gillette Mach III/Fusion cartridges, please don't hesitate to take a peek at Let's just put it this way.. After years of grief, I now experience baby-butt smooth shaves for pennies a day, using true shaving tools.

Again, I'm looking very forward to being a part of Brothers Of Briar.

Hello; Welcome to the board. I'm new here too.

Natch":0i7mkt6l said:
What tobaccos have you tried/like?
Thanks for the inquiry! Not much at all Natch. I live in Alaska and without a real tobacco shop in town, there's not much to choose from. There is one store in our area that has about 4 or 5 different tobaccos to choose from. To be brutally honest, I know the tobacco I picked up is a black cavendish, but I don't know what brand. That's the extent of my pipe tobacco experience. =]

I must say that I'm very excited though. I was invited to participate in a tobacco pass on another forum just the other day. It should be my turn to recieve the goods in a couple of weeks. I'm going to have quite a time with that! I'll be sure to post my newbie findings/reviews with you all. Maybe from there you guys can point me in a good direction. Cheers.
If you happen to be a straight razor user, or even a double blade, there is a discussion thread towards the bottom of the home page, The Shaving Den, and we'd love to hear your experiences and recommendations. There seem to be a few double edge users in this group. Also, if you have a digital camera, posting pix is easy and always appreciated.


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