Newminster Superior Navy Flake

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2012
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I just can't get the grasp of this. It smells soooooo good in the jar. It smells great on the char light. It smells and tastes great for the first 3.8 seconds of being lit. Then it burns my tongue and roof of my mouth like jet fuel. I can smoke other flakes but I what is the problem with this one? Any help appreciated as I have 8 ounces of it, and genuinely love the aroma.


The three sample bowls I had of it have been great all the way thru for me. I'm waiting on my order for 4 ozs now. It's a nice pleasing easy smoking Va for me. Some people and certain blends just don't mix. Sometimes it just works out that way :p
How do you fare with MacBaren blends? Newminster is produced by MacBaren.
I agree with Cadfael. Let it dry. As gravel said, Newminster is made by MacBaren, and MacBaren blends need to be
dry. They are also problematic when packed too tightly. I use a very loose pack with MacBaren blends, and always rub out their flakes.
Glad to see the advice given here. Also glad someone else suffered the burned mouth before me. :geek:

I have some Newminster in the cellar waiting to be opened.
First attempt was dried over night, fold, stuff, and smoke, Ended badly.

Second attempt was rubbed, dried overnight loaded into pipe, ended badly.

Third time dried for two days fold and stuff like I do with any other flake. Ended badly. I am at a loss as it must be a chemical deal.

I had similar experience with Jack Knife Plug but i have it under control now. This Newminster is just burn, burn, burn.
BriarBrad":2iysfnwx said:
First attempt was dried over night, fold, stuff, and smoke, Ended badly.

Second attempt was rubbed, dried overnight loaded into pipe, ended badly.

Third time dried for two days fold and stuff like I do with any other flake. Ended badly. I am at a loss as it must be a chemical deal.

I had similar experience with Jack Knife Plug but i have it under control now. This Newminster is just burn, burn, burn.
From what you described you do, I think you dry it out too much! I just take mine, usually 1 1/2 flakes, from the jar I put it in, rub them out and fill my pipe as I do with my ribbon 'bac and light it up! It has taken a light char light, then another match to light, tamp lightly and off e go ! Try not drying it out as much :p
I would tend to agree with you on that seeming like a long time. However we are at high humidity pretty much all the time where I live. I always went by if you folded it and it broke it is too dry and have had succes with it. If it broke it was too dry and if it sprung back it was too wet. Stayed as folded with no break and no spring back seemed just right.

Maybe I am doing it wrong.
From what I've smoked of it, it seems to be at the right "dryness" from the bag so I don't do any more drying. I'll see if things change when my order gets here.
BriarBrad":leztq6jn said:
First attempt was dried over night, fold, stuff, and smoke, Ended badly.

Second attempt was rubbed, dried overnight loaded into pipe, ended badly.

Third time dried for two days fold and stuff like I do with any other flake. Ended badly. I am at a loss as it must be a chemical deal.

I had similar experience with Jack Knife Plug but i have it under control now. This Newminster is just burn, burn, burn.
I have thee same problem with Dark Star. It burns me no matter what I do. And the rub is that I love the flavor. :evil:

Pack density (?) :scratch:

Every (broken or intact) flake I smoke requires its own packing.

Tobacco's female.

I actually found my 2oz sample of Newminster (from P& to be slightly dryer than I am used to. Though, I had no problem with bite.

The only MacBarren blend that I smoke regularly is Navy Flake. I'll go against the grain and say that while I rarely experience the tongue bite MacBarren is known for, when I do its typically with overly dry tobacco. For me, the drier the tobacco the worse the bite is. Pipe tobacco maybe more forgiving than cigars, but, as with any cigar, there is a range below which the tobacco will be too dry and above which the tobacco will be too moist. Neither is overly pleasant.

In short, I agree with Monbla, I'd suggest you try smoking the Newminster with no drying time, and see if that helps.
I have three excellent solutions to your problem...each one will forever relieve you of the anguish of the burn and the confounding attempts at failed proceedural remedies:

One: Sell it.

Two: Trade it.

Three (if no's one and two fail): Throw the **** out!

With all the stellar blends out there I've never understood why we will continue to beat a dead horse (ouch!)...meaning a blend that just isn't working for us.

Of course, there IS another option. And likely this is the wisest one of all. Save it til Fall.

In your quest for wanting to know why the blend isn't working...let me ask the following: What's the temperature of the environment in which you're smoking? It's Summer...and I toss many heavily VA blends aside during the hot season, as that's exactly what it is for your pipe as well. There's a monumental difference between smoking your briar in an environment of a hellish 90F - 100F than at a lovely 60F - 70F. There's a reason they call Summer the Burley season. Consider it an opportunity to try some different blends...ones that include components that will ease the burn (which is indeed the steam or whatever as opposed to 'bite' which as an alkalai reaction).

Why not fire up a bowl of StormFront and discover what those other 50 million BoB members did...that it's great!

Or perhaps either or both of my lastest 'wunderblends'...the surprising and delicious MacBaren HH Old Dark Fired and Acadian Perique...each of which is so good that I'm positive that the designer has a deal with...well, you know who! :twisted:

Blackhorse":fcch8um5 said:
I have three excellent solutions to your problem...each one will forever relieve you of the anguish of the burn and the confounding attempts at failed proceedural remedies:

One: Sell it.

Two: Trade it.

Three (if no's one and two fail): Throw the **** out!

With all the stellar blends out there I've never understood why we will continue to beat a dead horse (ouch!)...meaning a blend that just isn't working for us.

Of course, there IS another option. And likely this is the wisest one of all. Save it til Fall.

In your quest for wanting to know why the blend isn't working...let me ask the following: What's the temperature of the environment in which you're smoking? It's Summer...and I toss many heavily VA blends aside during the hot season, as that's exactly what it is for your pipe as well. There's a monumental difference between smoking your briar in an environment of a hellish 90F - 100F than at a lovely 60F - 70F. There's a reason they call Summer the Burley season. Consider it an opportunity to try some different blends...ones that include components that will ease the burn (which is indeed the steam or whatever as opposed to 'bite' which as an alkalai reaction).

Why not fire up a bowl of StormFront and discover what those other 50 million BoB members did...that it's great!

Or perhaps either or both of my lastest 'wunderblends'...the surprising and delicious MacBaren HH Old Dark Fired and Acadian Perique...each of which is so good that I'm positive that the designer has a deal with...well, you know who! :twisted:
BH is wise. BH speaks from whereof he knoweth....



Ok, I tried rubbing it pretty fine, straight from the jar no dry time, versus fold and stuff method. Way too wet. Let it sit overnight, lit it up and it is much better. Still wet however. I am just going to wait until fall/winter when the humidity is gone and see how that works.
Try putting your rubbed out stuff 1) in the microwace for 20 seconds...and 2) on a saucer with the fan in your laptop blowing on it...a fast vs. slow drying test. I think you're right about getting it dry. Also...avoid smoking it in the heat of the day...try it as a morning smoke.
...I've had no issues at all with this with all my plugs and flakes, I smoke them moist, and while I age some, I keep enough out to smoke right away...While I prefer stronger plugs and flakes, I do enjoy some of the MacBaren, for me, Newminster Navy Flake and the Round Slices will stay in my rotation... :cheers:

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