Nighttime English blend

Brothers of Briar

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glpease":nga34uk8 said:
Kyle Weiss":nga34uk8 said:
Not to be confused with "Raging Nightmares." Which is usually what happens when I smoke Nightcap--good smoke, but not just before bed.
I'm with you there. Nicotine seems to affect different people in different ways. Some find it sedative. For me, it's an amp-up that isn't entirely welcome, especially late at night. I'm pretty hyped up naturally - the last thing anyone around me wants to experience is me on uppers. ;)

It also gives me the munchies, which is further reason I don't smoke strong blends at night...
Interesting that nicotine gives you the munchies! Most of the time, particularly for cig smokers it's been found to diminish appetite! One of the compaints cig smokers make when they stop smoking, they begin eating more :p
I have always slept well after smoking Odyssey, Maltese Falcon, Beck's Ol' Limey Bastard, and Penzance. I recommend these not only as a sleep aid, but also an anti-wife mechanism & personal campfire. :D

I too have a tin of Quiet Nights percolating in the cellar.
I've never found blends like Royal Blend, Margate, or Bishop's Move to be high in lady nic and as such are fine for the final pipe of the night.

Apologies to GLP, as I've not had the blends he uses Lat-forward weed in to date. (And no this is not a mooch).


glpease":ou64gecf said:
I'm with you there. Nicotine seems to affect different people in different ways. Some find it sedative. For me, it's an amp-up that isn't entirely welcome, especially late at night. I'm pretty hyped up naturally - the last thing anyone around me wants to experience is me on uppers. ;)

It also gives me the munchies, which is further reason I don't smoke strong blends at night...
You described me to a "T." 8) Quite a few have mentioned tobacco/nicotine is an appetite suppressor--not for me. If I'm even the slightest hungry, I get even hungrier, and the potential low blood-sugar can make for a dizzy piping experience. :lol: It's like chemically-induced heat stroke. :pale:

Thank you soo much everyone..keep those recommendations coming ;) As a new pipe smoker I am still trying to find out what I like/don't like... I know that I don't like heavy aromatics anymore (what I started smoking with..eeww, they smoke hot and wet ;( and I am not to fond of blends with high Nicotine levels!! I literally LOVE the Frog Morton Series, especially FMOTT and I have become incredibly fond of G.L. Pease blends after trying a few bowls (haddo's delight burned perfectly and smelled very good..a little high on the nicotine,,but not too bad :)!! I don't know if I should post this here (someone please let me know?) I have some aromatic blends that I am not going to smoke anymore and I was wondering if I could set up a trade or swap of the following items!! I am looking for blends that do not contain too much burley or nicotine (high flavor=Low nicotine) and would love to try other blends from G.L. Pease as well ;)

Altadis "Apple"
Tobacco Barn "My pleasure"
Smoke rings "my vacation"
Captain Black "white"
Balkan II
Matador Slices
Black and Gold
Mc Clelland "Best of Show"
Mc Clelland "Holiday Spirit"
Mc Clelland "TasteMaster"
Mc Clelland 221b "Honeydew" (sealed 50g 09' tin)
Mc Clelland Blackeney's best "Bayou slice" (50g sealed 09' tin)
Peterson "Connoisseur's Choice" (sealed 11' tin)
Peterson "De Luxe Mixture" (sealed 11' tin)
Peterson (2 tins) "Luxury Blend" (sealed 11' tins)
pease quiet nights is a good and favored one of mine. if we're entirely honest it is a very heavy smoke with what i consider a lot of Vitamin N.

ive went through lbs. of it.

i have recently also liked the 3 oaks syrian. i opened up a tin of it that i purchased on a recent vacation and was pleasantly surprised. light, tasty, and could be an all day English if there is such a thing. very low on the vitamin N. scale comparatively. to me the lat will fade in and out in flavor unless brought to the nares.

thank god we have choices these days!

I am looking to "shy away" from aromatic blends. After trying a couple of blends..I think I would like English blends ;) What "English'" are very good for a beginner with a low nicotine content? Virginia blends that are not in "Flake" form? I know that Frog Morton is considered a "Hybrid English Blend" , but I really like the smoothness and tasty flavors the series has to offer..are there any blends out there that are similar?? (any g.l.l pease blends?)
Frog Morton":ye6gvym3 said:
I am looking to "shy away" from aromatic blends. After trying a couple of blends..I think I would like English blends ;) What "English'" are very good for a beginner with a low nicotine content? Virginia blends that are not in "Flake" form? I know that Frog Morton is considered a "Hybrid English Blend" , but I really like the smoothness and tasty flavors the series has to offer..are there any blends out there that are similar?? (any g.l.l pease blends?)
Piccadilly, Maltese Falcon & Ashbury are a good placse to start with the Pease stuff. Similar to Frog? Not really but in my humble opinion and to my tastes, Frog plays a bit too much in the realm of sweetness.

Anyway, all of the GL Pease Latakia blends that I have had from Piccadilly to Odyssey are well balanced and have something interesting to offer regardless of potency or higher presence of Latakia leaf.

Some other tasty Latakia blends that I don't think are too heavy in nicotine that I would highly recommend are - B&B's Beck's Ol' Limey Bastard. Dunhill 965, & EMP, McClelland British Woods, Peter Stokkebye Luxury Balkan, Sam Gawith Squadron Leader, & Esoterica Penzance.

If you want to remain in the sweeter side of the realm, Boswell's Northwoods is nice and has a bit more to offer in complexities compared to FM. In fact, I'd recommend at least 4 ounces of this as your next move. Do it! :p
Frog Morton":1mabiok7 said:
I am looking to "shy away" from aromatic blends. After trying a couple of blends..I think I would like English blends ;) What "English'" are very good for a beginner with a low nicotine content? Virginia blends that are not in "Flake" form? I know that Frog Morton is considered a "Hybrid English Blend" , but I really like the smoothness and tasty flavors the series has to offer..are there any blends out there that are similar?? (any g.l.l pease blends?)
In addition to the two Dunhill blends I mentioned previously, two that I would also highly recomend would be two made under the Sutliff private Stock label by Altidis. The first would be an EXCELLENT English blend they make, Blend #5, which is a nice Va based English with a nice full Latakia content. By "full" I don't mean strong or Lat forward but rather a nice smooth all tobacco taste with a nice balance of Latakia with the base tobaccos.
The second one they make that I have and do enjoy is the Balkan Luxury 957 which has again a nice Va base with the Latakia in the background with the Oriental leaf more to the front. A true Balakan blend in the sense of the old BS759. For blends as nice and tastey as these are they are very Lady N friendly and are very good values, price wise for tinned tobacco. They are not on the current "fave/approved" Bob list but are what I would call a couple of "sleepers" which you might like :p
Does anyone have any of the blends that were mentioned, especially by monbla256 & DrumsAndBeer that they would be willing to trade/swap for the tins I mentioned above?? monbla256 The blends that you mentioned sound very interesting..I just cracked open a tin of Mc Clelland "christmas cheer 2011" and it seems a little too moist ..If i wanted to dry out a bowls worth or the whole long should I leave it out for?? DrumsAndBeer The blends you mentioned sound..EXACTLY to my liking..Do you have any of the blends you mentioned for swap/trade? It seems we have very similar tastes ;)
If you choose to dry your tobacco out, do so a batch at a time. Especially if you're still figuring out what you like, how you smoke and what suits you. Rehydrating a bunch of tobacco is harder to do than drying a little out for a bowl. :)

Kyle Weiss":b15fud0y said:
If you choose to dry your tobacco out, do so a batch at a time. Especially if you're still figuring out what you like, how you smoke and what suits you. Rehydrating a bunch of tobacco is harder to do than drying a little out for a bowl. :)

As Kyle sats, just dry out what you need for a bowls worth at a time. The other thnig, have you tried CC straight from the tin? Though it may "feel" too moist, some times 'bacs work well with the tins moisture. Try a bowls worth both ways and see what works best for you smoking wise. There is NO SET way to smoke Va's. Different pipes, situations, ie, humidity, ambient temp etc require adaptability in smoking methods. Only trying differnt ways will tell YOU what works BEST for YOU! :p
monbla256":3y6r1p3o said:
As Kyle sats, just dry out what you need for a bowls worth at a time. The other thnig, have you tried CC straight from the tin? Though it may "feel" too moist, some times 'bacs work well with the tins moisture. Try a bowls worth both ways and see what works best for you smoking wise. There is NO SET way to smoke Va's. Different pipes, situations, ie, humidity, ambient temp etc require adaptability in smoking methods. Only trying differnt ways will tell YOU what works BEST for YOU! :p
This is good advice, as is Kyle's. I have found that some ribbon blends like Odyssey and McC's Virginia Woods taste best when moved from tin right into the pipe with no dry time. Just be sure to keep a few pipe cleaners on hand if your smoke develops a little gurgle. However there are others (wet aromatics, some flakes, tinned Gawith tobaccos) that benefit from a good 20 minutes of dry time. But as stated above, you should experiment incrementally with each of your tobaccos and spend a lot of time on one blend until you find your stride with it. Avoid ping-ponging night after night from blend to blend as well. A large part of the "2oz try" rule goes beyond just developing a palate for a mixture. A big part of this rule has a lot to do with getting to know which preparation techniques work best for you with that singular tobacco. :D
"Running man dreams....."....for me Penzance is my last smoke before bedtime every night.

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