I'm not so sure many folk here in Blighty would be all that concerned if our Prime Minister were to meet an unhappy demise but if any one were to harm our Queen, well now that's a different story entirely. I'm NOT a Royalist by any stretch of the imagination but there is still something ancient within me which tells me to protect Her Majesty and protect her I would with my very life. If I even hear someone utter a threat to our Queen I punch them squarely in the face, there may be aspects of Leadership we dislike but once 'the people' lose respect for the Leader of their Country, well, let's face it, it wont end well will it. We have Government here so our Queen isn't strictly speaking our Leader but I still consider the Queen to be our Sovereign Leader and will not stand for bad things being said about her, if someone hurt her and I got my hands on that person it would NOT end well for that person.