noob from Indianapolis

Brothers of Briar

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Active member
Nov 10, 2010
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Hello, just thought I'd say hello from Indianapolis. I've been a pipe smoker for 20+ years but only started taking it seriously maybe 5 years ago. Until then I had many a drug-store pipe and lost them quite frequently (well, technically I know where most of them are... at the bottom of the Chester Woods reservoir). "The Ultimate Pipe Book" convinced me to invest in a decent pipe and it made a huge difference. Just in the last couple of years I discovered tobacco that didn't come in a jar. Westminster was my first tobacco that wasn't a generic aromatic and it's still one of my favorites. I'm still exploring the billion or so other blends out there and deciding exactly what I like best.

That's about it, I just wanted to say hello.
go away. the BoB has enough hoosiers. :D

(it's my brother boys! i finally talked about the BoB enough that he joined. he's a smart ass, don't be easy on him!)
Good to have ya on the BoB.. A hearty welcome to ya... :cheers:
bruins":ktyfq3or said:
go away. the BoB has enough hoosiers. :D

(it's my brother boys! i finally talked about the BoB enough that he joined. he's a smart ass, don't be easy on him!)
OMG... not another Bruins!!!!!! :affraid: :affraid: :affraid: I sincerely hope that you are not nearly as depraved, sick, and sadistic as Bruins is!!!
:lol!: :lol!: :lol!:

Nah... ole Bru is a pretty good egg!! ;) He is a little on the "sick" side, though! :shock: But, so am I!!!! :roll: :lol:

Welcome to the brotherhood, brother! I know you will enjoy your stay! We've got an awfully good bunch here!!! And, if you are anything like Bruins, I'm sure you will fit right in!!!!!!! ;) Welcome!!!!!!!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Welcome to the BoB, I'm sure you'll fit right in, I mean you are Matt's brother after all :D
bruins":s751uezs said:
go away. the BoB has enough hoosiers. :D

(it's my brother boys! i finally talked about the BoB enough that he joined. he's a smart ass, don't be easy on him!)
OH Crap BRU!!!!!
WTF.............. dude you got a brother????????
O'h man, Does the poor dude know who your friends are???? you better warn the poor fellow!!

Welcome to BOB Brother of BRU!!!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Please keep your brother in check!!!!!!

Release the Kraken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! times 2!!!
Thanks for all the welcome. Yes, unlike "Bruins" avatar photo, mine was not photographed in Indianapolis. You'll probably find other differences between us as well (I hope). So much for flying under the radar.
Welcome Crowdog! Now Hoosier brother? If you're the smart ass I reckon Bru is the dumb ass. :cheers:

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