Obama signs kids' health insurance bill

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Jan 30, 2008
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Obama signs kids' health insurance bill

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama has signed a bill extending health coverage to 4 million uninsured children. The East Room signing ceremony on Wednesday represented a much-needed win for Obama on health care a day after his administration suffered a major setback with the loss of his nominee to lead his drive for sweeping reform, Tom Daschle.

The bill went to the White House fresh from passage in the Democratic-controlled House, on a vote of 290-135.

The bill calls for spending an additional $32.8 billion on the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Lawmakers generated that revenue by raising the federal tobacco tax. Obama said it is a key step toward his promise of universal health care coverage for all.


I will keep my negative comments and thoughts on Obama for The Asylum, BUT does anyone know if this bill is similar to the one Bush shot down last year? I recall that bill wanting to raise tobacco taxes for children's health care by an enormous margin, with some predicting a few dollars PER CIGAR or per tin of tobacco increase! :x If this is similar or even the same as the old one...well crap I don't know when I'll be able to buy new tobaccos...not until I get a decent job that is [still in college but graduating this may!] Also gun/ammo prices have skyrocketed as supplies have diminished in the past few months...
Was just browsing the Christian pipe smokers forum and I figured the old bill was dead, looks like this is the SCHIP being signed...pipe tobacco taxes doubled, cigarette taxes almost tripled, RYO tobacco taxes supposedly going from $2/pound to $24/pound? When we can no longer afford to smoke, what will they tax next? :shock: :shock:
JohnnyO":kllffwiw said:
Was just browsing the Christian pipe smokers forum and I figured the old bill was dead, looks like this is the SCHIP being signed...pipe tobacco taxes doubled, cigarette taxes almost tripled, RYO tobacco taxes supposedly going from $2/pound to $24/pound? When we can no longer afford to smoke, what will they tax next? :shock: :shock:
The bright side is that when they realize how much revenue they will end up losing from loss of sales instead of gaining revenue for their cause, it will be reversed. The down size is that it will put a lot of small B&Ms out of business. One B&M owner here has already told me if it passed he would be closing.

I have also noticed that gun and ammo prices have gone up.
This seems to have started about the time that the "Shoot a politician-Save a Country" tee shirts hit the market.

Mike B
paddy-boy":rkhsfkdx said:
Gun an ammo prices are strictly supply and demand right now.
True, I started too late on stocking up unfortunately...I didn't start until November and it is amazing to see store shelves empty, the big Sportsmans Warehouse store was out of all powder, had few primers, and most bullets, especially the lead bullets were gone...An order straight from LEE for some reloading supplies took 2 months to arrive!! Backorder lists are growing longer each day.
I don't know what to think, I figured it'd be bad, but believed people when they said either he won't be that bad or he'll be too busy with the economy to take away what we love [or tax it into oblivion] Obama has come out of the starting gates ready to bite the behind of the average American, especially the average white American. Who knows what the next 4 years will bring, let alone the next 8 years if he gets re-elected.

Some are predicting another civil war or at least a tax revolt...that may just happen but I think they made Obama out to look like Lincoln [train traveling the same route, speaking at Lincoln's church, using Lincoln's Bible, etc] for a reason...the socialist revolution is bound to have those to fight against it...

I feel like I should be keeping a diary...like Ann Frank...and one day my children or my children's children will read it and see exactly when this country went south...and maybe they'll be inspired to fight against tryanny

B.O. Stinks
Justpipes":cwca12ha said:
The bright side is that when they realize how much revenue they will end up losing from loss of sales instead of gaining revenue for their cause, it will be reversed.
I doubt it will ever be reversed unless there is a huge revolt amongst smokers, but smokers are in the minority. When they realize they aren't generating enough revenue they'll first blame tobacco companies for dodging tax laws and then move on to tax other things like soda and fast food, for the children.

What people (read anti-smoking nazis) don't realize when they want to get even with us smelly people that they're next in line for something they love to be taxed out of existence, such as ammo, soda, fast food, and, in NYC, salt. No one will ever be spared from the taxman.
Since 95% of the public is to get a tax cut, does that mean only 5% of the population uses tobacco? The spending bill proposes blowing 70 million on a stop smoking program yet the gurus in DC will need to increase the number of smokers to fund the SCHIP. :scratch:
paddy-boy":ensxerti said:
You are looking for logic where there is none.
:joker: I guess we might as well find some humor during the downward spiral. I am not looking for logic. I have known for many years that there is none.
Cruiser":d7jtiquc said:
paddy-boy":d7jtiquc said:
You are looking for logic where there is none.
:joker: I guess we might as well find some humor during the downward spiral. I am not looking for logic. I have known for many years that there is none.
Agreed :D
Well, at least we've got until April to stock up.
And it looks like I will be abandoning cigs entirely in the near future.
Existing federal tax on RYO tobacco is the same as on pipe tobacco, $1.0969 per pound. The 2009 SCHIP bill increases pipe tobacco tax from $1.0969 per pound to $2.8126 per pound, a 256% increase.

Cigarette tax is increased from $0.39 per pack to $1.00 per pack, a 256% increase.

All other tobacco products are also increased by approximately 256% except:

1. Small (cigarette sized) cigars are increased to be taxed like cigarettes at $1.00 per pack.

2. RYO tobacco tax is increased from $1.0969 per pound (like pipe tobacco) to $24.62 per pound, a 2,400% increase. The $24.62 per pound tax on RYO represents an assumption that a pound of RYO makes about 24 packs of cigaretttes at $1.00 per pack. From the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations 27CFR45.11: Meaning of Terms.
remember when moonshine was illegal because no taxes were being paid on it?,,,,I can envision a 57 chevy with a trunk full of roll your own tobacco rumbling down the back roads on a dark night,,,,you'd think the government would learn,,,
my wife ( ryo customer )just got a healthy dose of reality,,,,
grow your own????
OK...A question for all you RYO'ers! Why don't you just buy pipe tobacco to roll in your papers? Gee, I'll bet the idiots in DC never thought about this!! For pete's sake, don't tell'um :no: FTRPLT

Remember...Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. Both need to be changed regularly and for the same reason :p
As a matter of fact, I gave the wife some virginia to roll,,,she kinda liked it,,,offered to buy her a pipe but that didn't go over too well,,,

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