ryomagazine.com is blaming the RYO tax on Phillip Morris for lobbying Congress, ensuring that people keep smoking ready made cigs.
I've said it before, you guys've still got it good! The absolute cheapest you can buy cigs here is 7.50 a pack, and it's like smoking tar straight off the road. You can almost get Nat Shermans in teh U.S. for that much! If I want a pack of Camels or Dunhills, it's more like 12, 13 bucks.
On the other hand, our smokes don't really have RST in them...so perhaps I'd still take a Canadian cig over an American one.
It seems like if the feds in the U.S. cut some money from crazy stuff like, oh, I dunno, two wars, a colossal defense budget, etc. etc. they could fund universal medicare without raising taxes, and all Americans would have access to top quality health care, for cheaper and easier.
But that's simply on the outside (where **** tends to work) and looking in. :joker:
I don't know what I'd pay for a pound,(you just can't buy tobacco in those amounts here) but I pay 17-20ish for 40 grams of American Spirit...