vaperfavour":446mx3xj said:
Well, not really, i was sent a new tin to replace one of the bad tins. this new tin is dated 10-29-07. it smells like " original " fillmore but as it is smoked it quickly starts to taste like, well.. not fillmore i have a comparison tin dated 02-14-07 and this tobacco is lighter in color and still has that stewed fruit with cream taste that im in love with. the tobacco in 10-29-07 tin does not have that taste, it tastes too earthy and has no real virginia sweetness to it. getting worried.....! could this mean the end of fillmore? do i speak heresy? if the blend can no longer taste like it did when first released..

ale: ............. anyone have tins for sale from 07?? will fillmore become a lamented tobacco like stonehenge flake??? am i paranoid?? should i re-iterate? anyone have tins from 07 for sale??
Interesting. Just to set the record straight on a few things, first, the recipe for Fillmore has not changed, nor have the component tobaccos, nor has the protocol for its manufacture. On the perique, it's L. A. Poche's Acadian, which is a blend of Green River and St. James leaf, fermented in the traditional manner, and blended to ensure consistency from batch to batch. Perique is not as stable a crop as the Green River leaf is, so I feel this consistency far outweighs any slight benefit from using the straight St. James leaf in its best years. The Acadian is fabulous, or I wouldn't use it.
While I'm on the subject of perique, the whole boatload of BS that "there is only one farmer growing REAL perique" is just that. Last year, at least 6 growers in the parish were in contract with Poche, and this year, I'm told the number is even higher. The quality of leaf that is being delivered is better than it's been in decades, thanks in no small way to the contributions of Mark Ryan, who now owns and operates Poche. (Of course, I've said this all before, but there seems to be a large contingent only interested in myths and folklore, seemingly unfettered by facts. Reminds me of the W.H.O.'s "study" on ETS, in some ways...)
Off my soapbox, now. Sorry.
I'm really not sure what's going on with your Fillmore. I've spot-checked production, and it's been fine, but there seems to be something happening with some batches. We've dropped the 1-pound tins, because they were packed too tightly, causing anaerobic fermentation to begin practically overnight, resulting in seriously bulging tins, threatening to issue their contents in a somewhat abrupt fashion. No such problems have been noted with the 2oz or 8oz tins. Neither have I noted any untoward behavioural differences between the 2s and the 8s.
If anything, your older tin should be darker than the more recent one, not lighter. This puzzles me. Please drop me a note via the contact form on my web site, and I'll gladly follow through on this, and work with you towards a satisfactory arrangement, whilst also collecting enough data to figure out just what the problem is or, hopefully, was.
Honestly, since the little fiasco in the early days, I've had very few problems with Fillmore, so I'm inclined to think that either your recent tins are aberrant, or your older ones were. In either case, I'd like to get to the bottom of it more than anyone.