A couple of years ago I purchased this old Meerschaum Cavalier shaped like the globe.The mapping isn't well done mind you, more like a child did it but, the shape is done well so I sprung for it. The original stem had been replaced with a yellowish one that didn't match the eagle head plug and the threads inside the eagles head where wallered out. I finally got enough gumption up to complete it as best I could this side of recarving the eagles head being it's beak is chipped. Reckon that'll have to wait till I can maybe recast one (good luck with that). So anyway I hand cut a new stem from some matching acrylic, replaced the bone screw (cause it was cracked), repaired the threads in the plug with epoxy so it can be screwed on and off once more and, tried to dress the flush point between them because someone at some point had glued the plug on.:fpalm: Anyway, here's what it looks like now.
It did come with it's original case but, I didn't photo it.
It did come with it's original case but, I didn't photo it.