Every now and then I branch out from my usual smokes and try a bunch of new tobacco. I also grab one of the time tested drug store brands from time to time to see if I can appreciate what has kept them going for so long. This time around Prince Albert, original blend in the red pouch. I definitely get the nutty burley flavors as promised but in particular there is another flavor present, mostly as an aftertaste. Something almost chemically, not the same as, but reminiscent of the aftertaste I get from a diet soda. The initial flavor is not bad but after sampling 4-5 bowls this is not one that is going one my list to pick up again. I don't smoke em all the time, but for drug store brands CH, and H&H have been the 2 I enjoyed the most. I know there are a lot of PA smokers out there, is anyone else getting this strange taste from it?