Most of my tobacco stash, along with all my cigars, reside in coleman-type cooler chests. These have proven over the years to be relatively air-tight (cooler-dors are popular in the cigar crowd) and will maintain decent humidity as long as they are not opened too often. For cigars I also keep a humidification device inside to maintain 70% RH. Haven't found need to do that with pipe tobacco and 70% is too moist for me.
Anyway, any bulk tobacco I have in factory packages (vs that which comes to me in zip-lock bags) goes into a cooler. This includes Esoterica, Sam Gawith, Peter Stokkebye, etc. Zip bags I generally repackage them into mason jars which get stored on shelves in my "vice" closet along with my liquor and other goodies. Tins may be stored in either location, traditional screw top tins generally go in a cooler since I don't trust them all that well, peel-top pringles style tins generally go on the shelf.