Initial thoughts(haven't smoked them side-by-side yet, so we'll see after today) - It seems to be brighter, sweeter, and more mellow than SL. The perique adds a little bit more nicotine, but all in all tones down the blend, which is not what I expected. SL is delicious, and I've always liked it, but I've noticed that the flavor profile tends to lean more on the flat end; you get some saltiness from the latakia, some brighter tones from the virginias, and a hint of spice from the orientals, but all in all I'd say the flavors tend to congregate in the same place on the Tobacco Taste Pyramid. I do realize I just made that up, it sounded good in my head. :cyclops:
The perique seems to bring out the best of these, while adding in a richer, more mellow flavor that isn't directly present in plain ol' SL.
Also, I did DGT this bowl; it gets a bit hot on the tongue, but it definitely accentuates the brighter flavors without becoming too rough.
I'd say it's a pretty tasty blend, that improves upon SL as we know it today. Maybe they shouldn't have changed the recipe in the first place? :lol!: