Pet Peeves...

Brothers of Briar

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Richard Burley":s1lmhdgr said:
Young, beautiful, wealthy women who just want me for my body. They burn me up! I wish they'd leave me alone. Their hands are always all over me, just because they buy me boats and planes and stuff and then expect favors. Do they think I'm easy or something?
I'm sure your other pet peeve isn't controlled substances. :evil: 
My pet peeve list:

Poor phone etiquette at work.
Purposeful ignorance.
People that drive under the posted speed limit, only to speed up when you go to pass them.
Overly opinionated people that spout their opinion as fact, regardless of whether it is or not.
Rude people.
Really the only things that bother me are inconsequential sh*t I make up in my own mind or terribly serious things that I reduce to inconsequential sh*t so my head doesn't explode.   Other people's inconsequential sh*t is similar to when people have irrational fears.  Neither of them make much sense for someone to be emotionally reactive toward something insignificant.  I get the difference inasmuch as I have to hold people by the hand (especially on the Internet) when I respond with content and perhaps a few more words than they're comfortable reading--it isn't status-quo reacting to things.  I ain't wired like most; I never made me a good "human tribe member."  People usually bore the hell out of me (or just confuse me), and the devil is in the (inconsequential?) details.   :lol:  <img class="emojione" alt="?" title=":shrug:" src=""/>  I'm a selfish cur in that regard.  

So I guess my only pet peeve is pet peeves, but it's more eyebrow-raising bewilderment than something that gets on my nerves.   I've never gotten a straight answer as to the reason of anyone's fears or odd irritations.  "Because they do!"   I can remember only one time something irritated me around here, me reacting to that important meer of mine that cracked due to some offhand teasing...I fully admit it was ridiculous, but hey, as honest as I am, I called it.  I was a retard.  C'est la vie.  :lol:  Sort of similar, I guess.

Okay, fair enough.   I guess I can't empathize, but...I guess I could go fixate something else that didn't bother me, if I had the choice...hey!  Wait!  I do!   :tongue: :positivethinking:
I'm not sure I completely follow your post 100% Kyle, but I'll give you an honest answer on one of my pet peeves. I've never really thought out a lot of my pet peeves,...and maybe that's why they bug me, because I haven't put rational thought to them.

But when it comes to putting my t-shirt on backwards bothering me so much, I know exactly why it's a pet peeve of mine. It's all about the feeling. It's like putting your left shoe on the right foot. It just doesn't feel like it's supposed to. It doesn't feel like "home" in a way.

But, now that I'm thinking about pet peeves deeper, I bet a lot of mine come down to my own selfishness and self-centeredness.

Here's an example:

It bugs me that people put the change on top of the bills when they hand me my change in a drive through. Why does it bug me? Because they haven't thought out the best possible way to hand out change? No, because if I drop the change, because of the way they handed it to me, then I'm the one that has to unbuckle, open my door and search below my car to find it...either that or leave it. In both cases, I'm the one who's put out. They weren't thinking of ME! Self centeredness on my part.

Oh crud...I'm a self centered :pig: 

...Good thing I don't have too many pet peeves. :roll:
Dunno what to tell ya. There's stuff that makes me :fpalm: all the time, be it people being idiotic (with disturbing regularity), burning the last two pieces of bread for toast, etc. Some people, on the other hand come unglued with those situations. That really freaks me out when I happen to witness such tantrums. I realize none of you all are talking about something that extreme, but getting bothered by little stuff is foreign to me. If I told you what (or more importantly, how) things bothered me, it might make sense. Said simply. I'm in a fairly constant state of uncertainty around people, like one might be if they weren't used to being around large animals like horses. Always been that way. At the same time, though, a horse has never actively tried to be horrible to me. They aren't normally wired that way. People, on the other hand, often are. So I accept them that way; I don't really get angry at them any more than the bee for stinging...unless someone is really trying to figure out how to get a reaction out of me. Then they get the gift they require, but I really try not to go there.

As for backwards shirts? Heh, I just turn em around and roll my eyes. Being human is my biggest flaw, after all. :tongue:

That probably doesn't clear much up. :lol: Don't let me crash the peeve party. Carry on, this stuff just fascinates me. The human enigma from my eyes.
Obese people who are vocal and overly concerned with the health risks associated with tobacco use, who are not at all concerned with the health risks associated with obesity.....
People speaking spanish extraordinarily loud in a dining establishment that contains no other spanish speaking people in it. Then speak perfect english while talking to the waitress.
Planemech":f4qlnpha said:
People speaking spanish extraordinarily loud in a dining establishment that contains no other spanish speaking people in it. Then speak perfect english while talking to the waitress.
Dave_In_Philly":6fzxb02i said:
Aha!  Usually I giggle and question folks when they say things like that...  "Heigth," "Feb-YEW-wary," “for all intensive purposes," --  in my realm, though, if I am corrected, unless someone is holding it over me, I consider it a free education rather than getting irritated.  The corrected, though, don't see it this way, and they often become irritated.  Which in turn, this irritates me.   :lol:  It's all in the approach.  Or just letting it go and keeping my giggle to myself.  ;)  

Hey Dave, one lawyer friend of mine says he almost comes unglued when he hears someone say "Affidavid"--which, I guess, happens all the time, from people who are supposed to be top-of-their-class graduates.  Do you come across that problem a lot? (I mean..."alot?") :lol:  

Kyle":ku7uj780 said:
Yeah. Doesn't that get you ?

Everybody knows it's FEB-yew-wary.

And that Creek rhymes with Stick.

And that bacon is greezy.

People that just take a french fry off my plate.

I cast dispersions at them.

Yak":9zl9y1w5 said:
Kyle":9zl9y1w5 said:
Yeah. Doesn't that get you ?

Everybody knows it's FEB-yew-wary.

And that Creek rhymes with Stick.

And that bacon is greezy.

How about nekkid? If'n we're ta git started on souther-eez, I kin go aaaawl daye.

You'd think that having grown up in Michigan, southern accents and dialect would drive me nuts, but they don't. Not a pet peeve of mine I guess. Cashiers can call me sweetie, darlin' and hun all they want. Makes me feel like family.
espn . . . "drivers" who, when the light turns green, sit there texting . . . "drivers" who don't budge when they have the left turn arrow . . .  cliches pols use to explain numbskull policies ("we're leveling the playing field," etcetc Guys, you're "leveling" me into the dang poorhouse) . . . property tax month in CT, (i.e., July) . . . Henny Penny approaches to public policy (Us experts have decided you proles can't smoke yr pipes in public places . . . Michael Buble's singing . . . Justin Bieber's ubiquity . . . movies that rely wholly on special effects . . . People who can't use a cell phone w/out shouting . . . "lazy tongue" regional accents (Many Pittsburghers pronounce Stee-ler as Sill'urr. Listen Yinz, try touching your palette with the tip of your tongue when a word has internal consonants. So mountain is mown-tin, not mow'uhh.) Thanks.
I've really only got one pet peve. It's when people do anything other than what I think they should do. :lol: 
Growley":n1bz3e28 said:
How about nekkid?

Down here, "naked" means you have no clothes on. "Nekkid" means you have no clothes on..............., and you're up to somethin'. :lol: 


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