I'm not sure I completely follow your post 100% Kyle, but I'll give you an honest answer on one of my pet peeves. I've never really thought out a lot of my pet peeves,...and maybe that's why they bug me, because I haven't put rational thought to them.
But when it comes to putting my t-shirt on backwards bothering me so much, I know exactly why it's a pet peeve of mine. It's all about the feeling. It's like putting your left shoe on the right foot. It just doesn't feel like it's supposed to. It doesn't feel like "home" in a way.
But, now that I'm thinking about pet peeves deeper, I bet a lot of mine come down to my own selfishness and self-centeredness.
Here's an example:
It bugs me that people put the change on top of the bills when they hand me my change in a drive through. Why does it bug me? Because they haven't thought out the best possible way to hand out change? No, because if I drop the change, because of the way they handed it to me, then I'm the one that has to unbuckle, open my door and search below my car to find it...either that or leave it. In both cases, I'm the one who's put out. They weren't thinking of
ME! Self centeredness on my part.
Oh crud...I'm a self centered

...Good thing I don't have too many pet peeves. :roll: