I just posted this in the "what are you smoking" sub-forum but thought it was worth repeating here-
Yesterday, I opened a tin of Peterson Irish Oak dated to a purchase in '12. Don't remember ever having this before. The tin kept it's vacuum seal and I heard a "whoosh" when I prised it open. Moisture content was very much on the dry side, but I suppose that's the way it was tinned. And the way I like it anyway!
Ribbon cut, almost a shag. Packs easily but needs to be packed loose or it compresses too much. Now on the second bowl, in my Ser Jacopo Per Aspira Cherrywood estate.
The tin description says - " A rich blend of Brazilian and African Virginia leaf with Cavendish and rare Louisiana Perique".
Seems pleasant enough so far, but a completely new flavor profile for me. Hard to describe the flavor components but will ponder this as I get through the next couple bowls and try and post my thoughts later. And it will open up as well now that it's exposed to the air. And yes, I jarred it up immediately as I don't want this to dry out further.
p.s. This purchase was made in conjunction with the Irish Whisky in the OP as well as a tin of PPP, all of the same date. I have yet to open the PPP. That's next. Never had that before either iirc.
As far as Peterson blends go I've also had UF, IF, and OD back around '01 or so. When I was into Lat blends I found the OD pleasant enough. Didn't care for UF at all, found it too fruity. And IF seemed to be all about the nic and low on flavor, also very thin bodied. So those were a non-starter for revisiting.
Yet there is now a new mfg for IF and UF( as well as the others) since my experience in '01, which may prove different. Or so I've read. I may well go back in and check them out.