Peterson Hyde Park

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
boy do i like this tobacco! i bought it pretty much the day that had it. i smoked a few bowls of it then and loved it. tonight however, i decided to smoke it in my Nording Freehand, which i had up for trade, and man did that tobacco come alive! it's a big chamber, and tapered at that. the initial light was not all that great. tamped it a bit and got it going. just a nice mellow sweetness, no doubt the maple, with the rum playing a background as it progressed. the rum flavor was a backdrop that was at first complex and made a nice spiced sweet smokiness in the background, you had to sip to get it at all. the Virginia played lead at first. sweet, hay and i want to say melon at first. slow puffing led to a more pronounced rum flavor, not quite as spicy as i would expect, but more like the smell of good dark rum, while the maple came into play. about a third into the bowl it was just heavenly. nice maple touch, not overpowering like some popular maple aromatics (which i am fond of) but more of a maple sugar taste. maple sugar does not taste like syrup. the best way to describe this portion of the bowl was like a maple stout, a very dry maple with a malty sweetness but a depth of roasted barley, verging on coffee. the rest of the bowl continued in this fashion but lent a more nutty flavor as it progressed. man was it good, and sweet! but not cloying. sweet like FVF.

my method for this bowl was to rub it out on a piece of paper in front of a space heater for about ten minutes. then i lightly packed the bowl using a three step method. i set the pipe aside for about fifteen more minutes and went outside and smoked it. about 1/4 in the bowl i DGT's the bowl for about an hour while i ate dinner.

i will be buying more of this and stocking up. i bet that maple will come out with a few years and the Virginians will be just amazing! no latakia detected in this mixture, although at this point i feel that this is common knowledge. this was one of THOSE smokes. i'll probably enjoy one in the morning after this half bowl of FVF from yesterday...
Thanks for posting the review SDJ - I enjoyed reading your thoughts on Hyde Park.

I smoke this blend myself, kinda similar, or in the same ballpark for me, as St Bruno...........but nicer!. :cheers:

You have inspired me to fire up a bowl of Hyde Park right now in a Pete 03! :cheers:


Please be quiet about this blend or all these guys will put 40 or 50 tins in their cellars and it will be as hard to get as FVF!

Now, having said that, if you do not like the Lakeland essence you will not like this blend. I find the "soapiness" there more than some other blends, though I do think it adds to the mixture.

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i didn't taste it as soap. i think i need to try more lakeland tobaccos i guess. it could also be because i had it in an open tin for about a month and then jarred it up? i kind of tasted a slight flower thing going on on the initial light i guess. went away quickly for me. I've stayed away from lakeland because everyone talks about smoking soap. with bob's chocolate flake i kind of tasted it, and if this is an example of a soapy baccy, I'm game! wait, i mean, this stuff is terrible, send it to me if you bought it and i'll properly dispose of it for you :flower:
I've never tried it, Jerk, and I assumed Cad was joking about the soap so he could have more to himself. :p
No joking - the Lakeland soapiness is there . . . at least in my first two tins :D
Don't mind me, brothers. With the lack of Saturday morning cartoons these days, I'm forced to find my own amusements. :rabbit:
Hyde Park, definitely smokes like it was manufactured by Gawith & Hoggarth. The tell tale sign being the plastic bag on the inside of the tin. I agree with Cadfael comparing it to something that's in the realm of St. Bruno Flake. Personally I find it to be more reminiscent of G&H Rum Flake which has an ever so slight soap like taste that is fleeting around the edges of the flavor profile. It's there, but barely.

My mom used to wash my mouth out with Dial soap as punishment for swearing when I was a kid. The Lakeland baccys kind of bring me back home, for better or worse. And oddly enough I really like them. :p
:roll: looks like I need to put G&H Rum Flake on my list of tobaccos to try! :cheers:


Definitely a different tobacco but I smoke it in the same manner and times that I would reach for gh&co's broken scotch cake. Early or midday in my savinelli 604ks, slowly, and as a first smoke of the day. Warmer days generally.