LOL and here I thought you were only allowed to bash Dunhills (just kidding). I don't think anyone is really bashing any brand just giving honest opinions of their experiences with a particular pipe they purchased.
Glad to hear. Restores my confidence in getting another.No matter how many "artisan" pipes I'm seduced into shelling out for, it seems I'm always buying a Peterson every so often. And yes, they ALL smoke perfectly well, none have ever disappointed.
Born in 1946, graduated from high school in May 1964. Entered college September 1964 (just turned 18!). Got job in Pipe/Tobacco B&M in Spring 1965; worked there thru my college years. Great experience!!!So, guess that makes us both old codgers,,lol. If you are only 2 years older, how were you working in a pipe shop in the 60s? Oh, that's right, we didn't have child labor laws back then. Guess it could have happened. I worked on a bridge construction crew my first summer out of high school in 66. Too bad we didn't have a crystal ball, would have bought up all the Dunhills we could afford.
Wow, nice experience for you. Born 48, graduated 66, started college fall 66. After one semester decided I wasn't ready for college. Went into service mar 67, did two Nam tours, got an early out and returned to college fall of 70. The B&M pipe shop you worked at was probably very similar to the one I frequented at ISU in Ames.Born in 1946, graduated from high school in May 1964. Entered college September 1964 (just turned 18!). Got job in Pipe/Tobacco B&M in Spring 1965; worked there thru my college years. Great experience!!!
Thanks for the input. Have been scouring ebay for some good finds. Quite a few on there but prices seem high rivaling the cost of new pipes. Will just keep looking. No hurry.Never had a Pete smoke bad for me out of thirty plus of them, however some smoke much better than others and it's not to do with price. A standard system I have circa 1940 is my best smoker of all my pipes and a system deluxe from 1983 is one of my wettest, though still a decent smoke thanks to being a system pipe. I also tend to stick to older estate Pete's when buying if that makes any difference.
If the pipe isn't doing it for you, sell it and move on to another, hopefully better pipe.
In case you hadn't guessed, if a pipe doen't work for me within ten or so smokes, off it goes to blueroom briars. My deluxe would of gone there but for the fact I really like the 302 shape.
Drill your draught hole out (BY HAND) to 11/64. I did this with most of my Pete's and it really cut down the gurgling moisture problem. Now I just drill all of them out and none have done a gurgle since.I have about 13 or 14 Petersons, mostly their mid range pipe (none of their really high end ones. I may have just gotten lucky with all of them but have never had any issues, well except one seems to be a wet smoke no matter what tobacco i use.
I like that term peasants palate. I just thought it was because I was thrifty, read cheap, lol. In some cases more is better and justified, like with jewelry. A $1000 diamond is probably 10 times better than a $100 one. A $10,000 horse is likely much better than a $1,000 nag. Other things not so much. Gazing over bourbons at the liquor store couple of days ago and wondering who buys a $500 bottle of bourbon. Anyway, on pipes, I agree. I do think my mid range pipes are better than low end in most cases, Petes, Don Carlos, etc. However, I have a couple of low end Stanwells that are excellent smokers. The last one I got from P&C for $30. Always wanted a Dunhill, but not at $600+. Guess I will continue to be a peasant, lol.Didn't buy it, but my previous job position entailed entertaining clients and came with a very high limit expense account. And I can say this for a fact. While very good, I never had a $100+ wine that was 5 times better than a $20 bottle. Back when I could afford them, say $250/300, good savinellis were $40/80. So, I figured the same comparison. Did not see how a $250 pipe could be 5 times better than a $50 pipe?? I see new ones now over a grand. Please enlighten me.
We must be brothers. I’ve always said the same about wine, and had the same situation. Fancy work dinners, fancy wine, I got nothing. I proudly call it my peasant’s palate, because I’m easily satisfied. With pipes, I wouldn’t call it an exhaustive study, but I’ve had basket pipes outperform $400 pipes all day long, so I’m now more focused on aesthetics. I’ve had “good” pipes and midrange pipes. I can get them to work to more or less the same degree, depending on tobacco, packing, breathing technique, etc. lots of mine, Peterson and others, are impossible to pass a cleaner through. I had no idea until recently that that could be a deal breaker for some - I just think of it as a normal occurrence and never give it a second thought.