Pipe at the Kiddy Park!

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
May 15, 2019
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New Orleans
I made a daring move today. My three year old warp core son had to have a play outside. I just got a new Falcon with a Chimney bowl. Packed up some escudo and a back up Cobb and went at it at the kiddy park.

It was a great idea. Other parents (who I see as competing with me for limited resources) stayed the hell away from me and gave me lovely side-eyes which I appreciated. My son ran his little Louisiana butt off and I sat and smoked. It was a glorious morning, and whenever there are clouds here in New Orleans we will do it again..

Wonderful time, now I am smoking some aromatic (I know, I know, dangerous waters of tongue bite) in my bent Charatan. What a lovely pipe I've been ignoring all these years!
That sounds like a great time to enjoy the pipe. That smoke output should help keep the bugs away, too. Bonus!
You sir are treading in dangerous waters. I have done the same and had the local drug enforcement officer show up because "some crazy guy is in the park smoking pot!" Now anyone that knows me knows the only "pot" I ever smoked was a BBB Own Make which I gifted to a brother years ago because I just never enjoyed that particular shape in pipes. Every single day I took my kids to the park and smoked while there I was harrassed by law enforcement. Ok but that was just Pennsylvania right..... Nope I've had the cops here in Wyoming called on me several times as well. You know the old zippered bank deposit bags? I have one I use to carry a couple of pipes and tools and a day's worth of tobacco when I go out. I had that confiscated taken to the local P.D. and tested for "residue" before I was aloud to pick it up and take it home days later. The moral of the story is while it may get you space from other parents you may also get unwanted attention from your local P.D. Don't say you weren't told lol.


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