Pipe smokers live longer, prove it

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2013
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I keep hearing this whole "Pipe smokers live longer" being bandied about and while I certainly hope it's true, as I am smoking a known carcinogen, while watching my mother endure horrible chemotherapy side effects due to her colon cancer. I rarely take things at face value so I'm wondering if the brotherhood can help me out with this. Pipe smokers live longer than who? Non-smokers? Cigarette smokers? Cigar smokers? I'm looking for actual scientific studies, medical journals, and the like to substantiate this. Can any of you help me find them? The few things I have read are medical websites, but they don't site the studies used to reach these conclusions. Also, I notice that pipe smoking seems to get lumped in with cigars in these assumptions. I just don't see the similarity other than that they are both smoked. Cigars are a whole lot more tobacco at one go. The size bowls I smoke I would imagine are even a little less tobacco than a cigarette. Anywho, anyone know where I can find anything to back up the whole smokers live longer bit?
The only study I know of that corroborates the claim came from a study from the Surgeon General in the early sixties. I used to have the link to it.

It seems a bit dated, and I am under no illusion that the data is infallible.
You are going to want to look at the psychological effects rather than medical. There is something that happens when a pipe smoker or cigar smoker lights up that has a calming affect on the brain. I think it is the ritual itself. I don't know where to find the studies at, but my husband likes to quote them. I will ask him tonight.
scotties22":yr3tte6q said:
You are going to want to look at the psychological effects rather than medical. There is something that happens when a pipe smoker or cigar smoker lights up that has a calming affect on the brain.  I think it is the ritual itself.  I don't know where to find the studies at, but my husband likes to quote them. I will ask him tonight.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
It comes from a 1964 Surgeon General's report. The attached link might work; I didn't have time to wait for it--looks like a PDF. I don't give it any more credence than anything else emanating from the government sewer line, though its age might actually be an asset, bias-wise. I don't care anyhow--I've seen too many people die of cancer who weren't smokers at all. And I have my own cure for cancer, made by Ithaca. I have said elsewhere, if smoking makes you nervous, why do it? For me, the benefits far outweigh the alleged risks. No qualms whatsoever, and I do it by choice, not addiction. If I wanted to quit, it would be done--like yesterday, Babe.

I think it also has something to do with pipe smokers typically being of a slightly higher socioeconomic status than the "average" person. Hence, better access to healthcare, hence slightly longer lifespan.
I truly believe that good longevity has to do with stress. Pipe Smoking is all about ritual and focus. I personally do not think about money, mortgage, work or demands when i'm smoking a pipe. Cigarette smokers i find hate the fact that they're smoking and thus ruin the whole point of their habit by increasing their stress every time they light up.

Women live longer because while they probably experience more stress throughout their lives they also express it and vent while a man will live with his stress hidden from the world. We all know an object under continuous pressure can break at the smallest change.

Having said all this its just my opinion and Cancer is very real and can definitely be traced to any and all types of smoking. Stress however can be linked to everything, aches, arthritis, cancer, poor immune response, psychosis, bodyweight changes, hair loss, libido, advanced aging and so on.

In my opinion if you're going to smoke, smoke a pipe. If smoking provides any kind of stress give it up.
Rationalization is a wonderful thing !! :twisted: Not dying is the only sure way to live longer :twisted: You can smoke a pipe and relax all ya want then step out the door and get in your car and die in a car crash. MEH :twisted: :twisted: 
Dave_In_Philly":stwsp7z1 said:
I think it also has something to do with pipe smokers typically being of a slightly higher socioeconomic status than the "average" person. Hence, better access to healthcare, hence slightly longer lifespan.
Ha! Well then I'm screwed. Broke single mom just scraping to get by, perhaps I should give up the pipe until I get my degree. LOL
Dave_In_Philly":akbr2o65 said:
I think it also has something to do with pipe smokers typically being of a slightly higher socioeconomic status than the "average" person. Hence, better access to healthcare, hence slightly longer lifespan.
This is quite believable. I think there may be an intellectual bias as well. It would be interesting to see if any credible studies have been done.
I smoked cigarettes for years, mostly out of nervous habit. When I was a DJ, playing the same tired songs over and over, there was always a smoking butt in the ash tray. I honestly don't miss them, and couldn't afford them even if I did. The aching lungs told me the habit wasn't healthy.

Pipes and cigars are a different thing. Cigars are a social experience for me, savored with a like-minded friend in conversation around a campfire a half dozen times or so a year. Pipes fill a similar social role, but I also enjoy a pipe when alone, relaxing and reflecting. I agree with others that there's charm in the whole pipe-smoking ritual as well. I can't help but believe the calming and stress relief provided by a pipe has to be good for the body and the soul, especially in moderation, which I now try to practice in all things.

That's my rationalization.
Getting some great feedback here, it's interesting to hear everyone's thoughts.
"Be your own statistic, or die trying?"  

"He who wins happiest dies first?"  

More like...

"Oh goody!  Seven more years of extended life...in a retirement home!"

Half-truths and soft-science factoids are wonderful propaganda for many things.  You take paranoid people and face them with the almost universal fear of death, tell them they can live longer...but nary once tell them where exactly those added years end up.   So, you get to live as 35 year old for twice as long?   Nope.  Half a decade longer in your 40s or 50s?  Think again--and I really hope you like soft food, aloof nurses and Bingo Tuesdays.   As long as you're alive, you're worth money to someone.  Early on, by being a concerned, consumer "health nut," and later as a cash cow for the state (or private firm).  

I think of my pipe smoking as bittering the well while enjoying a few moments to myself before it's too late.  

Whiskey, anyone?  :D  :raiseglass:

"Dead men tell no tales, pay no taxes and can't be included in a head-count for funding. Most of the time."

Kyle Weiss":k0rkvzae said:
"Be your own statistic, or die trying?"  

"He who wins happiest dies first?"  

More like...

"Oh goody!  Seven more years of extended life...in a retirement home!"

Half-truths and soft-science factoids are wonderful propaganda for many things.  You take paranoid people and face them with the almost universal fear of death, tell them they can live longer...but nary once tell them where exactly those added years end up.   So, you get to live as 35 year old for twice as long?   Nope.  Half a decade longer in your 40s or 50s?  Think again--and I really hope you like soft food, aloof nurses and Bingo Tuesdays.   As long as you're alive, you're worth money to someone.  Early on, by being a concerned, consumer "health nut," and later as a cash cow for the state (or private firm).  

I think of my pipe smoking as bittering the well while enjoying a few moments to myself before it's too late.  

Whiskey, anyone?  :D  :raiseglass:

"Dead men tell no tales, pay no taxes and can't be included in a head-count for funding.  Most of the time."

OK...I've been waiting for the appropriate time to share this and I think this just paved the way Kyle. I officially booked my ticket to hell shortly after my 34th birthday.

So, my mom has colon cancer, she's been battling it for two years now and is doing great. She still works a full time job and enjoys life, although it's been tempered by some nasty chemo side effects. I love her. She pisses me right off, but she's my mom and I love her. Her cancer has kind of engineered a desire for us to understand each other, so she's been pretty accepting lately, for the first time in my life. Anyway, I used my birthday money from mom and dad this year to start my hobby and I knew I was going to catch some flack for it. I went to visit my parents for the weekend. Mom asked what I used my birthday money on and I told her I'd show her when I got there. So here's how the conversation went.

Me: Want to see what I bought with my birthday money?

Mom: Is it a tattoo?

Me: Ha, no, but you might wish it was...

I show her my lovely Boswell pipe

Mom: ... A pipe? I have cancer and you bought a pipe?

and then I couldn't help myself, it just popped out

Me:  Mom, were you smoking with your ass? You have colon cancer.

I think the only thing that saved me from getting a smack upside the head was she was too far away and already trying not to laugh.

Mom: That's not funny.

Me: Then stop laughing.
That little interaction shows some serious depth of character for both of you, right there. :lol:

Cancer needs a finger to be pointing at it, if there's one available. When one isn't, they just borrow old fingers.

I knew a guy with melanoma that had years of nothing but inside, white-collar office-work. He was a nerd afraid of the sun. He's dead.

A family friend that ran every day, never touched tobacco, developed lung cancer. He can now no longer run. On top of that, he had to have multiple ACL surgeries from the damage he did to his knees.

I recently talked a 20-year long, staunch vegan that has to get yearly pre-cancerous, chronic colon polyps removed.

My maternal grandmother smoked and boozed herself to almost 90 years old with no health effects.

You just never know. Me? I think stress is the biggest killer; its henchmen include worry, stress, and fear. Laughter is also really good medicine.

Something has to kill us all, eventually. If mine is from tempting fate with moderation, so be it.


i have decided not to worry about what might kill me...if you smoke you will die......oddly enough if you don't smoke you will die....don't rememeber who posted that exact quote but its the best information i have heard regarding smoking
Tobacco smoke is not good for you.

Here's one publication: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17400948

There are many more. Basically and STATISTICALLY, cigar and pipe smokers live longer than cigarette smokers. On some studies, pipe smokers were fairly close to non-smokers in reference to many cancers.

Simple facts, there is no way to tell how long you're going to live. Doing most things in moderation are not going to have long term effects on you. You breath a load of bad stuff when driving around town.

The lining in a pipe smoker's mouth is the weak point. Practice good dental hygiene. Get checkups 1-2 times a year. Your dentist looks for lesions during the checkup. Don't smoke when you have sores, cuts etc in your mouth. I'm under the impression, based on research, that letting things go is where people have bad things happen.

Don't underestimate the human body. It's made to get beat up a bit and can take a lot of punishment. But it's important to let it heal.

Don't let health issues go for too long before seeing your doc. Try to manage stress. Practice moderation. Eat well. Exercise. Try to keep your inside and outside in good order. And watch out for fast moving heavy objects.

And don't go on WebMD.com. It causes cancer.
A toxicologist will tell you that dose makes a poison.

You will die very quickly without water, but if you injest too much too quickly it will kill you.

Everything in moderation...

The 1964 Surgeon Generals Report is the study most cited on pipe smokers living longer. As I recall the data used was some study on twins where one smoked a pipe and the other never did. Unfortunately there are just too many other variables for any study to have any true validity.


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