Pipe smoking effects on health

Brothers of Briar

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Jul 30, 2012
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Thought this was interesting, nearly nothing to worry about other then your teeth. I guess just remember to brush your teeth well.

LUNG CANCER - "it is reasonable to conclude from present evidence that light cigar or pipe smoking (one or two cigars or up to four pipes a day) DOES NOT increase the risk of lung cancer, but if consumption rises above this level an increased risk is encountered."

OTHER CANCERS - "cancer of the mouth, oesophagus or larynx...the risk, however, is NOT NEARLY as great as that which cigarette smokers run developing lung cancer." "Cancer of the bladder...there is no evidence of an increased risk in pipe and/or cigar smokers."

CHRONIC BRONCHITIS - "lung function is on the average only SLIGHTLY (about 3 per cent.) reduced in pipe or cigar smokers compared to non-smokers..."

CORONARY HEART DISEASE - "Most studies show LITTLE INCREASED risk of coronary heart disease in those pipe and cigar smokers who are mainly light smokers." "...the rise in blood-fat level (free fatty acids) is less after pipe or cigar smoking than after cigarette smoking, so long as the smoke is not inhaled."

DISEASES OF THE TEETH AND GUMS - "Pipe smokers are just as severely affected as cigarette smokers."

This helped with my girlfriend, maybe it'll help you. Got this from a medical journal.

In the US Surgeon Generals report on cigarette smoking, pipe smokers had less incidents of cancer and lived longer than....non-smokers! I think the average life was two years longer. I tell my friends/relative that I'm going to miss all of them in those last two years. No one buys this, but they ardently believe cigarettes do cause cancer. I tell them if you believe one aspect of a report (all have NEVER read this report) you can't pick and chose the statistics you embrace. Here is a copy for anyone interested:
Any pipe smoker, whose better half would have concern over their health, would do well to have a look at these statistics.


If 30 to 40 years from now, she has absolutely no idea where you are living, I doubt that your health will be of much relevance to her. Keep in mind, these statistics do not reflect failed common law marriages. If they did, the failure rates shown would be much higher. :study:
The tobacco police have a hard time dealing with the benign avocation of pipesters. In the first place, there aren't many of us compared to cigs or even cigar smokers. In the second place, we lack the cigarette smokers' built-in guilt about dependency, so we tend to be unapologetic. In the third place, a pipe serves as a nice, calming time out that has long been recognized for providing a healthful interlude, when not done excessively or inhaled.

So the antis selectively read the stats and like to change the subject to the effect of sidestream smoke on some adorable little tykes' possibility of contracting asthma. Nevertheless, I try to be a good neighbor and avoid getting into debates with strangers, particularly when they give a first impression of being stupid, histrionic busy bodies who probably drive Lincoln Navigators because they're too fat to fit in anything smaller.
I eat smart, workout regularly, don't drink much, and smoke my pipe in moderation (4-5 bowls a week). There are risks associated with every aspect of my life. I could have a heart attack while running, I could get a foodborn pathogen from my field greens salad, I could get mouth cancer from my pipe. I could also get sick from the diesel fumes and flyash particles I have to breathe in every day at work in my attempt to feed my family, or slowly build up toxins from the poluted groundwater I drink. Frankly, if someone else is going to worry about my well being I'd much rather they concentrate their efforts on these last two items, as they are the most serious and immediate threats to my health, and the ones I have the least control over. I'm sure the list of dangerous **** I'm subjected to that is detrimental to my life is a long one, and focusing on the most benign because of it's current social stigma isn't helping me or providing benefit to your efforts.
I'm an acknowledged "accept with protest" individual in regard to cigarette companies. I think many of them have been cheats, liars and subversive louts in regard to their products and safety, especially in lieu of profit. I'm also a firm believer in capitalism, and smoke a pipe. The problem is application.

The application is also problematic with the anti-smoking contingent as well. Many people might think "for the good" opposition is a grassroots, decent bunch of folks who are making a difference. Quite often, they're the contrary. They make good, good money helping people shed tears and dollars from their wallets, and they don't even provide a true service or a product for those investing (besides promises). Sounds more like religion (or a cult) than mere do-gooding.

With that, I have moderate asthma. Why the hell would I even get NEAR smoke with my condition? I have severe allergies. Again, why would I do such a thing? Amusingly, because even pharmaceuticals seem to, more often than not, stop working (if even over time as a resistance is built up), I figured, "What the hell, might as well give the pipe a try again." This was about a year ago.

I haven't had an albuterol "emergency inhaler" puff in eight months. My allergy medication consumption has gone from two pills of different medication a day to one pill of on kind of medication per day. My doctor is mystified, however, he said my blood pressure and heart rate are better (...pipe calmness, or not being on an inhaled steroid...you choose...) and it's likely my liver function is increased due to less prescription use.

Woah, it's a give-and-take world, huh? Nothing is perfect you say? Sometimes adult decisions must be made and to the benefit of the individual?

I figured someone else knew what was good for me and could simply just give me a pamphlet for living life that would make it so much easier. No pesky need to consider other possible lines of thought, ideas or outcomes (...and donations gladly accepted). This would be ideal--so a conspiracy must be afoot.

Many people might think "for the good" opposition is a grassroots, decent bunch of folks who are making a difference. Quite often, they're the contrary. They make good, good money helping people shed tears and dollars from their wallets, and they don't even provide a true service or a product for those investing (besides promises). Sounds more like religion (or a cult)
:cheers: ***** :cheers:

I have moderate asthma. Why the hell would I even get NEAR smoke with my condition? I have severe allergies. Again, why would I do such a thing?
Principle : Homeopathy (Medicine) :D

Who knew Princess Embarcadero also doubled as a fussy nurse? :lol:

My seasonal allergies went away when i started smoking a pipe.

Up until a couple of hundred years ago, people lived around their cooking fires. Now with all of our "clean" inside air there are millions of dollars spent each month on allergy medications.

Coincident? I think not.
JShosh--exactly. Incidentally, our bodies (and minds, funny enough) need a little atrocity (or some analogue) in order to work best. We were designed to live in nature, not sterility--again, body and mind. If we lack this, we usually find a way to make up for it. Ever hear of a road-raging pipe smoker? So far my news headline search comes up empty. :lol:

I think the pipe brings us back to something more primal, or at least, more real. No wonder it has such a ubiquitous effect on those that understand.

abdthi":k089qvbq said:
LUNG CANCER - "it is reasonable to conclude from present evidence that light cigar or pipe smoking (one or two cigars or up to four pipes a day) DOES NOT increase the risk of lung cancer, but if consumption rises above this level an increased risk is encountered."
Up to four pipes is light smoking?!? I was averaging one a day and thought that might be too much.
J Soshae":fvcostku said:
My seasonal allergies went away when i started smoking a pipe.

Up until a couple of hundred years ago, people lived around their cooking fires. Now with all of our "clean" inside air there are millions of dollars spent each month on allergy medications.

Coincident? I think not.
This. I was just making this same point to a friend a few days ago. Even now, people like the taste of smoked foods, or sitting around the campfire. I do not personally, I hate smelling like smoke, and dislike breathing it. Another friend took his daughter camping, and a friend of the daughters came along. Around the campfire, he lights a cigar. Being polite about it, still gets chewed out for it by the friend. This illustrates several things, irony for one, a lack of respect for elders on the other. Or, if not a lack of respect, then indoctrination regarding the evil of smoking such that a young lady would feel perfectly right about lecturing the father of her friend.

Another aspect to all of this, the reason we cannot smoke in parks and the like, is that some people have decided that they wish never to be uncomfortable, or often even compromise. I do not like cig smoke. Never have. But smelling it every now and again is not the end for me, or something to be upset about. (With exceptions). I walk and ride my bike everywhere and usually along busy streets. To my mind, the exhaust fumes are a greater threat than my occasional pipe. Or even, the occasional breath of second hand smoke.
Combustion/diesel exhaust fumes, brake dust, wood smoke, manufacturing pollution, coal fires, garbage fires...

...you'll have a guy who rides his bike 10 miles a day in an urban area, huffing and puffing this sh*t, and will later turn to a guy with a cigar/pipe/cigarette like he's some kind of child (or a murderer) and read him out for the classic list of parroted anti-tobacco rhetoric. A child scolding a tax-paying, working and independent adult about such things is just par for the course these days.

It's people, as usual, doing and not thinking.

- - - - - - - - -

If some kid manages to try and square off with me about smoking, here's a few things that have transpired:

Child: "Why do you smoke? It stinks." (holds nose)

Me: "Since you also breathe through your mouth, protect yourself by covering it while near me."

Child: "Second-hand smoke is bad...put that out!"

Me: "Pay my taxes for me and we'll talk."

Child: "Don't you know smoking is bad for you?"

Me: "Don't you know accepting indoctrination is how the proletariat is kept in its place?"

Fortunately, people don't keep their children around me for very long. As it should be. :twisted:

I dislike cigarettes because of the nature of them, how people treat them, and the smell. It's similar to when people get into a political argument fueled by cable news shows, debate religion's rights or wrongs, or argue sports statistics...all on its own playing field. If you simply don't like something (views/philosophy/players), that's fine. That's where compromise comes in. But once it becomes some pseudo-science, quasi-fact or, even so-called history, people dig in their heels as if they were trying to explain the sky is blue, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west--a finale of non-conversation.

Preference is being phased out to make way for those who "know" better for you.

I haven't had many comments from antis, really, and most of those were polite and not intended to begin a debate, which I would hate. The driver of a huge SUV with NJ plates once asked me to douse my briar while I was taking pics of the Maine coastline. I just looked at him, then at his vehcle, then back at him, and he retreated.

Otherwise, my standard rejoinder is: "We don't need your thought control."

Once, a lady came back with, "I don't need lung cancer!" I give her credit for quickness, and I could have replied with "Betcha don't know that pipers live longer than non-smokers." But instead I offered to give her $10 if she could beat me in a sprint to the next bench, about a hundred yards distant. She declined, and showed little grace in doing so. Typical witless busy body.

All in all we're just another brick in the wall.
Fortunately, I can replace my above list's "Child" with just about anybody, and due to the mentality, it all works out in the end. 8)

I rarely encounter people so bold as to approach me with "anti" sentiments. It's far worse to have curious hipster college brats patronizing me with inane questions through mouthfuls of Pabst beer.

One guy sat right next to me while I was blissfully reading and piping at my former place of employment, a coffee joint in MidTown Reno, and just asked, "Seriously?" (in that television-made-popular way; snarky and condescending) and wrinkled his nose. I guess I was supposed to get up and move. Or something.

I peered over my glasses and glared at him for about five seconds. I return to my book and just said flatly, "Seriously," and nodded a little. He complained to my former boss. Said boss smokes cigars and just asks the guy why he didn't just sit in one of the ten other empty seats (upwind, too). The guy huffed off with his to-go cup and said he'd never be back.

*shrug* Boss said, "We don't need him." And high-fives me. 8)

As a physician friend of mine used to say "... living is dangerous to your health" :twisted:
monbla256":b0sy8fbh said:
As a physician friend of mine used to say "... living is dangerous to your health" :twisted:
"Living is the number-one cause of death." -- A scientist guy I know. 8)

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