My apologys for poor grammer and impoverished spelling.
I grew up dirt poor on the side of a hill off of Fighting Creek in Knox County Kentucky, the type of location and poverty the comedians and stereotypes thrive on. My father left when I was two, so it was up to Mom and my grandparents to raise me and sis. Hand me down or homemade clothes were the norm. Food was what we grew, usually taters, meat was considered a delicasy. We heated with an old 'Stokermatic' coal heater. One of my jobs was to insure the heater always had a full bin of coal, I hated it, on real cold nights I usually had to carry four 5gal lard buckets of coal up that hill.
I walked about 2 miles to catch a school bus everyday. I hated school. I loved the books,still do, but I hated the other kids. Until sometime in the 6th grade when I realized I was bigger and stronger than most,they made fun of me. Work boots,old man shirts, homemade pants.. I admit I was an odd ball. There were other kids like me,lots of us, but for whatever reason we never realized we had the numbers to torture the 'rich kids'. (Of course they weren't rich, they were almost as bad off as us, but to a kid it doesn't appear that way)
The one thing I hated worse than school was Tobacco, I loathed the stuff. See we grew tobacco, that was our only income besides Papaws disability check from the mines. Till it, set it,fertilize it,spray it, top it, cut it,stick it,hang it, bail it,Over and Over and Over. I suppose the worst part was fertilizing it, we'd take the 40lb sacks and set them on our shoulders,someone would cut the edge off and we'd walk the rows. As I grew I'd carry one on each shoulder and get two rows, then Papaw, being the smart man that he was, started getting 80lb bags. It was twice the load but half the walking, it worked. The weight of the bags wasn't what I hated though, it was the burn. When you'd walk bits of the fertilizer would trickle onto your back,when you started sweating it would stick and melt, at the end of the day you'd have couple 3 inch wide burns down your back, sometimes the stuff would get in your britches, no need to elaborate.
The one joy was the nicotene buzz. When you'd top it you'd get some leafs, wad em up and chew it, the first few times I tried it I got sick, but nicotene sick was no excuse, get to work. When it was bailing time Old Man would smoke it 'testing for quality', yeah right, I never did really get to where I could do that without turning green.
I am a tobacco/nicotene junky though. Chewing,dipping,english snuff,Snus,Pipes,cigars. I have done it all, still do all of em occasionaly but my favorite is the pipe.
Pipes have a certain high Status to them that other forms of tobacco use doesn't. Anyone can smoke a cig or a cigar, stuffing a chew or a dip in doesn't require much,english snuff is a little difficult at first but still fairly simple. Pipes require a certain amount of patience,a bit of knowledge,and a tinkerer's heart to enjoy, but once the basics are mastered there is far more flavors to enjoy, a certain brotherhood, and a calmness of spirit.
Keep em lit Bro's and someone tell me a story.