pipe tobacco premiums

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2008
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I recently found three of my dads pipes and I'm currently searching for information on them. My sister seems to think he got them free as a premium from packages of pipe tobacco,,,buy two pouches and send in for a free pipe or something along those lines. I can't seem to find any information on what pipes the tobacco companies offered or what years the offers were made. Very limited info on the pipes,,at least what I've found,,,maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.

Sauyere Frailgase PHIL 312 (vague reference to Marchetti)

Bradberry imported briar

Willard imported briar Pat 2481908 Ajustomatic (new york based manufacturer?)

Anyway I think it would be interesting to find out about the various offers made by the tobacco companies and the pipes they gave away. I'm thinking it was probably a big deal for my dad to get something free just for buying some baccy. Any information anyone can offer will be very much appreciated, both on these three pipes and on the free pipe offers. Thanks.
I have a Bradberry pipe that I purchased in new condition as an Estate pipe on E-Bay. I recall in the late '60's early '70's Capt. Black and Paladin Black Cherry pouches had promotions for pipes. The Bradberry was most probably a promo pipe.
Willards were made by Sparta Industries (who make Dr. Grabows); they were a house brand for PX/NX stores for our fighting men, as well as RJR promotional pipes. (Source)
And Bradberrys were made, sensibly enough, by the Bradberry Briar Pipe Co. of New York. (Source)

Not much other info on those pipes at Pipehill.
To quote from the inside liner from a tin of Velvet: "These fine pipes are made from imported briar...Guaranteed against burn out. Order today!" Royal House LTD is their name for the supposed manufacturer. Does anyone know who that actually was? It's a good thing I still have enough bonus certificates, now if I can only come up with the two dollars...
Back in the late 1960s & 70s, most American OYCs, meaning those blends offered in both foil pouches and 14-16oz metal canisters, put coupons in their packages. Three coupons from pouches, or one from a canister, could be redeemed for a Dr. Grabow medium grade pipe for the cost of shipping.
Thanks guys, I guess there isn't any precise information that documents this marketing strategy as far as brand of pipe/tobacco company offer. I've never seen these coupons, so thanks Lesath for the Velvet promotional information. Two bucks?,,,in all honesty these three pipes look like two dollar briars,,,I remember dad smoking Paladin black cherry and Carter Hall in the 60s so that's probably the source. Well it's 50 year old wood, I wonder if there's a black cherry ghost in any of them.,,,
Six coupons and two dollars for a five dollar value. Also your choice of bent or straight. All of this and a hard rubber stem. If I get some time tomorrow, I'll take a photo of the paper liner and post it. By the way, the tobacco smells like it should, and it's not dried out to the point of disintegration. Nothing like fifty year old Velvet, shall we be nice and simply call it well aged?
Thanks for showing,,,it'a a bit of pipe history gone by the wayside.
i have a Willard (albeit re-stemmed) that i got as premium back in 1958--i didn't have to send off a coupon for it--it was attached to, i believe, two pouches of SWR as a freebie (sorta--the price of the pouches was somewhat higher)--

i remember it because it was my first briar pipe; bought at the ripe old age of 14--

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