pipetongue1's cellar

Brothers of Briar

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Broken Pipe
Dec 14, 2007
Reaction score
Even' All BULK

Gwaith & Hogarth

CCDL 1# 7-'03
Bob's 2# 7-03
Dark Fl s.5# 7-03
Dark BE 1# 12-04
Glengary f 1# 12-04
Louisiana f 1# 12-04
Brown Twist Sl 1#3-05
Bosun CP 3# 3-05
Louisiana f 500g 6-05
Conniston CP 500g 6-05
Dark f s 500g 6-05
Balkan mix. 500g 6-05
Conniston CP 500g 4-06
Brown f s 500g 4-06
Rich Dark Honey Dew 500g 4-06
Dark Plug 500g 8-06
Bob's 500g 12-06
Louisiana f 500g 12-06
Bob's 500g 2-07
Buson Cp 1500g 4-07
Conniston CP 500g 4-07
Kendal f 500g 4-07
CCDL 500g 4-07
Happy Brown Bogie 500g 4-07
Irish Brown Twist 500g 4-07
Dark f us 500g 7-07
Grasmere f 500 g 11-07
Samurl Gwaith
Va/Turk 1# 10-04
Bracken f 1# 3-05
Firedance f .5# no date
FVF 4# 8-06
Sam's f 2# 12-06
Navy f 1# 12-06
Bracken f 1# 12-06
Xmas mix 1# 11-06
St. James f 1# 1-07
Best Brown f 4# 8-07
MVF 1# 4-07
Special #6 1# 4-07
Peter Stokkebye
Navy f 1# 1-04
Luxury Twist 1# 1-04
Navy f 1.5# 12-05
Curley Cut 2# 4-06
Balkan Supreme 1#
Bullseye 1.5# 5-06
Bullseye 1.5# 7-06
Navy f 1.5 # 12-06
Telegraph Hill 1# 5-05
Cumberland .5# 5-05
Westminster .5# 1-07
Haddo's 1# 1-07
Fillmore 1# 1-07
Canal Boat ,5# no date
SOTE 1# 8-06
Haunted Bookshop 1# 8-06
Guilford Courthouse 1# 2-07
Briar Fox .5# 2-07
Blockade Runner .5# 2-07
Kajun Kake .5# 2-07
Exclusive .5# 11-07
OJK .5# 11.07
Pegasus .5# 11-07
Va. Gentleman .5# 11-07
Chas. Fairmon
Lancer's S 1500g 10-05
Lancer's S 500g 12-05
Sterling Balkan 500g 12-05
Lancer's S 1000g 7-06
Black Bayou Mist 500g 7-06
Dunhill's 965[bulk-Murray's?] 1.75# 10-05
Mc Celland 2000 1.5# 8-04
The Smoker Fred Goldring ,75# no date
Lane's Cavendish slices 2# 7-06
Croft's Burley 1# 10 -05 Very Expensive!!!
Uhle's Perfection Plug Burley 14 oz 1-08
Uhle's # 300 14oz 1-08
Hearth & Home
Anniversary Kake 1# 1-06
Marble Kake 1# 1-06
Louisiana Red 2# 8-07
Watch City
Justice Mix 1# 12-05
Persian Slipper 1# 12-05 I went over to Knox before the fall and scooped my cellar, I'm going to keep a seperate cellar for bulks and tins, I'm going to take an exact inventory of my tins later, Ken.
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: :tongue: :pirat: :pirat:

Even' All, That was just the bulk list I haven't added my tins list or my open jars, Ken.
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: :pirat:
Even' All, Approx. 125 " opened" Jar Stock, Ken
Pacem en Hoarding! :tongue: :pirat: :pipe:
Afternoon All, Recieved from Peretti's to-day;
1# BPC
1# 333
1# Scottish flake
.5# Somerset flake [Burley]...........Ken. :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
Even' All, From Affordable Pipes;
1# Blue Grass Melody
1# Old Companion.......Ken. :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
:tongue: Once A Yoda, Always A Yoda! :tongue:
Even' All, Yesterday, From W.Va. Tobac 3#PSNF, 1 tub PA
From Uhle's 42oz PC Burley
28 oz Crushes white Burley........Ken. :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
Even'All, Rec'ved to-day from C&D;
1 pound Exhausted Rooster
1# Riverboat Gambler
1# OJK pressed
1#exclusive pressed.......Ken.
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
I remember the old days when I first came into the rooms,I couldn't believe the
smoke!You could see a blue haze in the clubroom.Lots of pipes and cigars along
with the cigarettes.
You have enough to last you 25 years,may you smoke it all! :sunny:

Afternoon All, Delivered yesterday,
6 tins Aurora PCCA, Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
And my wife fusses at me about having so much tobacco!! I have a rowboat; you have the damn Queen Mary II!!!!! Impressive :D :pipe: FTRPLT
When you have an obsession with something there is never "enough".Be it sex,power,money,alcohol,gambling.......there is more,there is some,and there is none.But you don't comprehend enough.I don't have enough pipes or tobacco.

Winslow :sunny:
Morn' All, 500 grms G&H's Curley Cut Reg. from 6 '00, Ken. :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue: :pale: :penguin:
Afternoon All, From 4Noggins, shipped Friday, rec'vd to-day;
1000 grms G&H's Rum Flake
1000 grms Ennerdale Flake
1# H&H Burley Kake.....Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
Plenty of good smokin there for many years. Very nice cellar indeed!
Pipetongue1, its a great cellar!!!! There are a couple of people that have a great one and you definately one of them!!!

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